
huron n.1.(北美易洛魁人中的)休倫族;休倫族人;休倫語。2...


Your offer , however , smooths all difficulties , and i have only to ask you , my dear m . de morcerf “ these words were accompanied by a most peculiar smile , “ whether you undertake , upon my arrival in france , to open to me the doors of that fashionable world of which i know no more than a huron or a native of cochin - china ? 這樣吧,我親愛的馬爾塞夫先生這幾個字是帶著一個極古怪的微笑說的,我一到法國,就由您負責為我打開那個時髦社會的大門,因為我對于那個地方,象對印第安人或印度支那人一樣知之甚少。 ”

The first of these glacial periods is often called the huronian glaciation because it is well exposed in rocks just north of lake huron in southern canada 第一次冰期稱為休倫冰期,因其遺跡在加拿大南部休倫湖北方的巖石中清晰可見。

More than 200 years ago , these banks of lake ontario were known to the huron people as toronto , a word in their language that meant “ meeting place . “多倫多”原為印第安語,意即“相會的地方” ,顧名思義,這是一個人口密集的大都市。

Record warmth in december and january from quebec to lake huron is threatening a bedrock of canadian culture ? dealing with winter 從魁北克到休倫湖,這些地區在十二月與一月皆創下暖冬記錄,動搖加拿大向來與冬天聯結這項文化基礎。

Huron found that 34 percent of audit committee financial experts appeared to lack either an accounting or finance background in 2006 審計委員會成員中,金融專家與財會人員的比例,在2006年為不到3 : 1 ,而2002年為5 : 1 。

Port huron statement 休倫港宣言

In 1834 , they realized that the hurons were right in the first place 股票交易也很興旺,這里有全國最大的股票交易市場。

My father is weekending at lake huron 我父親在休倫湖度周末。

He turned and showed the astonished hurons the noble brow, fine person, and eagle eye of a young warrior . 他轉過身來,一個儀表堂堂,目光炯炯和生著高貴額頭的年輕勇士出現在驚呆了的休倫人面前。

With remarkable enterprise he obtained permission to sell newspapers on the railway train between port huron and detroit . 他懷著非凡的事業心獲準在休倫港與底特律之間的火車上賣報。

Come forth, miserable briarthon, and wash the iroquois paint from your face; and stand before the hurons . 出來,不要臉的布利爾騷恩,洗掉你臉上易洛魁人的花紋,站到休倫人面前。

The hurons stood aghast at this sudden visitation of death on one of their band . 休倫人眼見自己一個同伴這樣突然喪命,不由得全都嚇呆了。

The appearance of the opening duck seemed first to arouse the hurons from their apathy . 張開的船帆的出現立即引起了休侖人的警覺。

The effect was frustrated by the agile movements of the huron . 由于休倫人動作十分機靈,其企圖沒有成功。

There you're out, huron . 你錯了,休倫人。

The hurons are a just nation; they will forget it . 休倫人是個講理的民族,他們是不記恨的。