
hurdle n.1.〔英國〕疏籬,樹枝編成的籬笆。2.〔 pl.〕(...

hurdle race

He won the 400 meters hurdles 他贏了400公尺的跨欄賽跑。

Hurdle technology and the shelf - life of food systems . alex speers 冷鏈管理:食品系統的柵欄技術與貨架期

Don ' t forget the praise when they overcome a difficult hurdle 不要忘記贊美時,他們克服了一個個難關

He ' d done so with other hurdles in his life 在麥克的一生中,他已經無數次地戰勝過諸如此類的困難。

By the turn of the keyboard keys running around , on key hurdle 交替按鍵盤左右鍵奔跑,上鍵跨欄。

And then you will cross all the hurdles 你將會跨越所有的障礙,

Official sanction and funding are only the first hurdles 官方的批準和資金支持不過是第一道坎。

Haizeiwang onepiece single version hurdle 海賊王onepiece單關卡版

Before they cleared the hurdles ofthe rows behind us . . 在它們越過我們后面座位的層層障礙之前

Before they cleared the hurdles of the rows behind us 在它們越過我們后面座位的層層障礙之前

Before they cleared the hurdles ofthe rows behind us 在它們越過我們后面座位的層層障礙之前

This game has three hurdles , a final concern is beckham 此游戲有三關,最后一關是beckham 。

So you can see what some of the hurdles are 這樣你們就能看到其中一些要克服的障礙是什么。

3 . overcoming some technical hurdles 三、克服股票期權的技術障礙。

You have passed the hurdle and the world is your oyster 你已克服了障礙,你可隨心所欲了。

The study on entire technological features in 110m hurdles 110米跨欄跑完整技術特點的研究

Hurdle technology and the shelf - life of food systems 冷鏈管理:食品系統的柵欄技術與貨架期

The plaintiffs are confronted with many hurdles 但原告卻面臨重重關卡。

The project then faced another major hurdle . . 整個設想對于程序員們而言實在太可怕了” 。