
huntress n.1.女獵人。2.雌獵馬。


It also provides 6 restaurants , 11 conference halls and well equipped entertainment facilities to ensure all guests a comfortable and convenient stay . the traditional cuisine and the huntress grill sample elegant western meals in european style 酒店以其過硬的設施和賓至如歸的優質服務,曾榮獲多項殊榮, 1993年榮獲國家旅游局頒發的五星級酒店證書, 1995年被國家旅游局授予全國五十佳星級酒店, 96年被評為全國最佳星級飯店。

The traditional cuisine and the huntress grill sample the elegant western meals in the european style . due to the well - equipped facilities and quality service , yindo received a lot of commendations from the governmentd . i . e 主樓高三十二層,副樓高八層,整個建筑猶如一本翻開的巨著,展示了特區人不懈追求的精神。

Actaeon lies in wait for diana , the huntress hunted , to see her finally dripping wet at her bath , resting from hunt 阿克鐵龍躲藏在那里等待獵人女神戴安娜,為了觀看她放下打獵工作最后濕淋地沐浴,女獵人成為被觀看的獵物。

Your parents have chosen you a bride built on the model of diana , the huntress , and yet you are not content . 你父母給你選的這位新娘就是把她當作一位活的狩獵女神也滿可以說得過去的,可是你還不滿足。 ”

After peevish years cast as china ' s underperforming neighbour , the huntress is now in hot pursuit 印度這名“獵人”作為幾年來表現一直不佳的鄰國,其本身甚為煩躁,但如今,她正鉚足了勁、奮起直追。

After peevish years cast as china ' s underperforming neighbour , the huntress is now in hot pursuit 作為中國的鄰國,多年來,印度一直被視為稍遜一籌,對此印度一直耿耿于懷,而今,印度正奮起直追。

After peevish [ 2 ] years cast as china ' s underperforming neighbour , the huntress is now in hot pursuit 印度這個“捕獵者”作為中國的近鄰,多年來一直表現不佳,心情急躁,如今正奮起直追。

She is an excellent huntress , debilitating her foes with her arrows and disabling spellcasters 她是個杰出的女獵人,使用她的箭矢衰弱她的敵人并使法師們失去能力。

Sit her horse like a man . weightcarrying huntress . no sidesaddle or pillion for her , not for joe 側鞍也罷,后鞍也罷,她一概不騎,喬可決不要88

Wasteland huntress is an agile hero . she can handle any type of enemy 荒原女獵是個靈活的英雄.她能應付各種類型的敵人

I married a beast because i ' m a huntress 我嫁給一個野獸是因為我是一個女獵手