
hunter n.1.獵人〔英國騎馬獵狐兔的人不叫hunter,叫做 ...

hunter green

He knew quite well that hunter objected to any but very large holes or cracks being stopped . 他很清楚亨特是不許可這樣修補的,除非是很大的破洞或裂口方可以填補。

Hunter noiselessly opened the gate and crept quietly along the grass border of the garden path . 享特一聲不響地打開大門,沿著花園里小徑旁邊的草地悄悄走了進來。

The earliest people were roving hunters and gatherers who made primitive stone tools . 最早的居民是流動的狩獵者和聚居者,他們制作了一些原始的石器。

Never before had so pleasing a vision floated before the mind's eye of the young hunter . 這個年輕獵人腦海中浮現出一幅前所未有的賞心悅目的圖景。

In the tropical forests the american indians became hunters of birds and small game . 在熱帶森林里美洲印第安人成了捕取鳥類和小動物的獵人。

After he pulled the trigger, the rifle kicked back and the hunter lost his balance . 獵人扣動板機,獵槍的反沖力使他的身體失去了平衡。

Hunter looked up at him and said, “you shouldn't let him beat you so easily. “ 亨特抬頭向他看著說:“你為什么這樣容易被他拒絕了?”

If the hunter knows what's good for him, he'll leave the little ones alone . 如果獵人懂得適可而止的話,他就會放過小的。

“no need to get angry, mister,“ the hunter said, “control yourself. “ “用不著生氣,老兄,”獵人說。“抑制自己啊。”

Hunter had drawn the plans, calculated the cost and prepared the estimate . 是亨特訂下計劃,計算費用,估出價錢來的。

She was continually being pestered by journalists and autograph hunters . 她不斷遭到新聞記者和要求簽名者的糾纏。

They said their ancestor was a famous hunter and a crack hunter . 他們說他們的祖宗是個有名的獵人,也是個神槍手。

Esau was a farmer and hunter who knew every inch of the country . 頤索是農人,也是獵戶,對鄉下各地都了如指掌。

The buck jumped into the woods before the hunter raised his gun . 還沒等獵人舉起槍來那只雄鹿就跳進了樹林。

The hunter did not move for a moment, then he began to follow the bird . 那個獵人呆了一下,然后開始追鳥。

As soon as the ducks got near his decoy, the hunter fired . 那群野鴨一接近子時,獵人開槍了。

Mrs. hunter would like to be always awakeready for a brawl . 亨特太太喜歡永遠醒著準備大吵大鬧。

The hunters needed a guide for their passage through the jungle . 獵人們須有向導帶他們通過叢林。

Hunter looked up and said, “don't be hard on him, loft. “ 亨特仰頭說:“不要對他太狠,洛夫特。”