
hunger n.1.饑,饑餓。2.食欲。3.渴望,熱望 (for; ...

hunger march

Until the eighteenth century hunger was man's almost constant companion in the old world . 直到18世紀,饑餓幾乎是舊世界人類不離左右的伴侶。

I had starved with cold and hunger on that island for close upon one hundred hours . 我在那個小島上饑寒交迫地受了將近一百小時的折磨了。

The children were silent, hostile, vindictive, continuously complaining of hunger . 孩子們都默不做聲,互相敵視,報復心強,不斷地叫餓。

Working with one 's head causes a sensation of hunger quite as much as muscular work . 腦力勞動與體力勞動引起的饑餓感覺是完全一樣的。

They are tigers to lap blood; and even now they hunger for your lives . 他們是嗜血的虎豹,即使現在,他們也恨不能將你們得而食之。

The goal of eliminating hunger by the turn of the century is attainable . 在兩個世紀交替的時期,消除饑餓的目標是可以實現的。

This new hunger baffled me, scared me, made me angry and insistent . 眼下這種饑餓卻在擾亂我,嚇唬我,搞得我又是生氣又是倔。

Then came a long period of bodily privation, of daily hunger after food . 接著,身體上又受到了長期的煎熬,每天挨著饑餓。

Our allies are the millions who hunger and thirst after righteousness . 那些成千上萬如饑似渴尋找正義的人是我們的聯盟。

Hunting is usually initiated by hunger and stopped by satiation . 追逐現象通常是由饑餓所引起的,并由于飽食而停止。

People dying of hunger on the streets was a common sight in old china . 在舊中國,窮人餓死街頭是司空見慣的事情。

To him it was only food that he devoured to still pangs of hunger . 對他說來吞咽下去的只是為了解饑果腹的食物。

I sat at home brooding, nursing bodily and spiritual hunger . 我沮喪地坐在家里,挨著肌體上的和精神上的饑餓。

The problem of hunger in the world has become a major public issue . 世界饑餓已成為公眾爭論的一個主要問題。

Man once did eat the bread of angels, for which he hungers now . 人曾經吃過天使的面包,他現在為此而挨餓。

He will hunger for affectionate relations with people in general . 他渴望和人們一般地建立感情上的聯系。

He fainted from hunger . 他餓暈了。

Terror was weakening her legs, hunger making her faint . 恐怖已經使她兩腿發了軟,饑餓已經使她眩暈了。

Hunger and wretchedness rise superior to fears in the long run . 到了后來,饑餓和疲憊終于戰勝了恐懼。