
humorist n.〔美國〕=humourist. -isticadj.


Mark twain ( 1835 - 1910 ) , american famous author and humorist who drew on his childhood along the mississippi river to create masterpieces of humor and sarcasm , including tom sawyer ( 1876 ) and the adventures of huckleberry finn ( 1884 ) 馬克?吐溫( 1835 - 1910 ) ,美國著名的幽默作家,他曾回顧其密西西比河邊的童年時光,創作了杰出的幽默和諷刺小品,包括《湯姆?索亞歷險記》 ( 1876年)和《哈克貝利?費恩歷險記》 ( 1884年) 。

In the north alcoholic beverages are considered a necessity are considered a necessity because they keep out the cold and , as the swedish humorist , alber engstrom said , “ because gaiety without alcohol is forced . “ the swedes drink brown ale , lager , brand , and potato spirit 在北方,烈酒是必不可少的御寒之物,就象瑞典幽默家艾爾伯?安斯杜姆所說的那樣, “沒有烈酒,快樂也是裝出來的。 ”

Speaking thursday at a kent county republican party fundraising dinner , the conservative humorist , writer and political pundit said movie stars and film industry professionals failed to highlight the sacrifices of soldiers during the academy awards on march 5 據美聯社3月17日報道,斯坦日前在肯特縣的一場共和黨籌款晚宴上指出,在3月5日的奧斯卡頒獎典禮上,眾

Famous humorist li jindou and other popular stars shared the history of the development of and their own experiences with the audience and offer excellent performances of chinese opera & drama 李金斗等著名表演藝術家與北大師生一起回顧曲藝發展的歷史與個人成長的經歷,并為大家獻上精彩的曲藝表演。

His manners , it is true , are tinctured with some strange inconsistencies ; and he may be justly termed a humorist in a nation of humorists 自然,他做起事情來瞻前不顧后,有些古怪,在一個專出滑稽人物的民族當中完全稱得上是一個地地道道的滑稽人物。

Though he spent only part of his life as a newspaper humorist , mark twain had the newspaperman ' s outlook , coupled with immensely more talent than most 馬克?吐溫作記者幽默家的時間雖然不長,但是他有記者的觀點,又比大部分記者富有才華。

“ the first of april is the day we remember what we are the other 364 days of the year . “ - - - - american humorist mark twain 正如美國幽默作家馬克吐溫所說的“只有在四月一號這一天,我們才意識到在一年中其他的364天中我們是多么的愚蠢” 。

Prolific writer and humorist , ms . linyao wu , will talk about humor and laughter in life and also the humor tips and examples 名暢銷作家和幽默大師吳玲瑤女士從生活中,以幽默的慧眼為您解讀人生,與您暢談幽默技巧及實例面面觀。

Twain , too , is something of the cynical pedagogue , though one of his san francisco nicknames was the wild humorist of the plains 馬克吐溫也有一點象憤世嫉俗的學究,雖然他在舊金山有一個綽號叫“平原上的野幽默家” 。

Twain , too , is something of the cynical pedagogue , though one of his san francisco nicknames was the wild humorist of the plains 馬克?吐溫也有一點象憤世嫉俗的學究,雖然他在舊金山有一個綽號叫“平原上的野幽默家” 。

The difficulty with humorists is that they will mix what they believe with what they don ' t , whichever seems likelier to win an effect 幽默家的困難,在于他們把相信的和不信的全混在一起,只考慮哪個看上去更有效果。

Friendship is like earthenware : once broken , it can be mended ; love is like a mirror : once broken , that ends it . josh billings . american humorist 友誼就像陶器,破了可以修補;愛情好比鏡子,一旦打破就難重圓。

Books and articles flowed from twain , and each increased his reputation as america ' s greatest humorist 書籍和文章從馬克?吐溫那里源源而來,每一種都能增加他這個美國最偉大的幽默作家的聲譽。

If we are to deal purely with twain the humorist , we have to fall back upon the details of his art 假如我們把馬克?吐溫當作一個單純的幽默作家來看待,我們得轉回頭分析他的技巧。

1845 thomas hood , english poet and humorist , died at finchley road in london after a long illness 英國詩人與幽默作家托馬斯?胡德久病后逝世于倫敦芬奇利路。

“ the way of the humorist is very hard , “ said the young man gravely “這位幽默家說起話來可真沖啊, ”那年青的男子一本正經地說。

The poet will also be remembered as a humorist and a satirist 這位詩人也將作為幽默作家和諷刺家被人們懷念。

Twain, too, is something of the cynical pedagogue, though one of his san francisco nicknames was the wild humorist of the plains . 馬克吐溫也有一點象憤世嫉俗的學究,雖然他在舊金山有一個綽號叫“平原上的野幽默家”。

Books and articles flowed from twain, and each increased his reputation as america's greatest humorist . 書籍和文章從馬克吐溫那里源源而來,每一種都能增加他這個美國最偉大的幽默作家的聲譽。