
humor 〔美國〕=humour.


- sense of humor . - sense of humor is huge . defiinitely -幽默感-幽默感絕對重要

Sense of humor . - sense of humor is huge . defiinitely 幽默感-幽默感絕對重要

The humor of it is not to be absorbed in a hurry 其中的幽默不是一下子能領會的。

Vocabulary - - - - why is a sense of humor important 詞匯為什么幽默感很重要?

Cortazar ' s form and humor : it is the wildest love story 它是最狂野的愛情故事。

When she learned the master had lost her whip in attending on the stranger, showed her humor by grinning and spitting at the stupid little thing . 當她知道主人為了照顧這個陌生人而把她的馬鞭丟失了的時候,她就對這個小東西吐唾沫,扮鬼臉,以發泄她的怨氣。

But i truly regret that no president since has had the provocative sense of humor that the thirty-second president of the united states had . 但是我確實感到遺憾的是,后來沒有哪一位總統象美國第三十二屆總統那樣富有逗人樂趣的幽默感。

In spite of his grief, twain continued to amuse the american public with a seemingly inexhaustible store of wit and humor . 盡管他非常悲痛,馬克吐溫仍以他那似乎永不枯竭的機智和幽默,使美國公眾笑逐顏開。

A wretch who in the deepest distress still aimed at good humor was an object my friend was by no means capable of withstanding . 一個苦人,深陷在不幸之中而又強顏歡笑,看到此情此景,我的朋友再也受不住了。

This effect is because the iris, crawled back into the angle of the anterior chamber of the eye, interferes with drainage of aqueous humor . 這是因為虹膜退縮在眼前房內,妨礙了房水的引流。

Humor is a most effective, yet frequently neglected, means of handling the difficult situations in our lives . 在我們的生活中,為了解脫困難的處境,幽默非常有效,卻常常被人所忽略。

Nicknames were certainly an important part of his humor and the game of nicknames brightened his day . 起綽號無疑是他的幽默感的一個重要組成部分,起綽號的游戲為他的生活增添了樂趣。

Everybody admires him for his fine sense of humor , everybody , that is , except his six-year-old daughter , jenny . 大家都佩服他那妙趣橫生的幽默言辭,但他六歲的女兒Jenny則不然。

Either my only attempt to strike a light tone backfired, or else his humor was too subtle for me . 如果不是我想跟他說句輕松話的唯一的企圖碰了壁,就是他的幽默感太微妙了。

Her mother was sure she would come to a bad end because of the way mr. tulliver humored her . 她媽媽認為塔利弗先生那樣嬌慣她,她將來一定不會有什么好結果。

Even so, it was free from the class-consciousness implicit in british humor of the same sort . 即使如此,它完全沒有同類英國幽默中暗含的那種階級意識。

We had gone from good humor to bellicosity back to joviality in five hours . 在五個小時中,雙方一會兒從談笑風生變成劍拔弩張,一會兒又恢復談笑風生。

If these intimations of a something behind and beyond are not evil humor born of indigestion .. 如果對某種玄妙的事物的暗示不是誤解所致的邪念。

I didn't know that to humor her, i should wink at mr. heathcliff . 我不知道為了順著她,我就應該假裝沒看見希刺克厲夫先生。