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hula hoop 呼拉圈〔原商標名,一種套在身上游戲用的圈〕。

hula skirt

This power to which i am referring is not the kind of “ hula hoop “ miraculous power used to flaunt ourselves . i am referring to the supreme miraculous power of the buddha and jesus christ . we spontaneously help people even without knowing it 師父現在說的神通,不是那種呼拉呼拉?表演給人家看的神通,師父意思說超越的神通,這是佛的神通耶穌基督的神通,我們自然會幫助別人,我們不一定知道,不過很明白感覺得到,我們有時候也會知道,不過不是故意做的,像一朵花,它不是故意發出香味,它自然有香味。