
huge adj.巨大的,龐大的,極大的。 a huge moun...


She placed a huge dish before him of savory steaming meat . 她將一大盤熱氣騰騰、美味可口的肉放在他面前。

The seed was sprayed over the ground in huge quantities by aeroplanes . 飛機把這些草籽大量地撒在地面上。

A huge bus now swung into view from further round the bend . 一輛大型公共汽車從急轉彎處的遠方映入眼簾。

Soon people will be “shot“ to their destinations in huge rockets . 不久人們將被巨型火箭“射”向目的地。

In build and coat and brush he was a huge timber wolf . 從它的體形,毛皮和尾巴來看,它屬于一種大灰狼。

The kitchen is huge . 廚房很寬敞。

It's slated for restoration at the end because it's a huge job . 把它列到最后修復,是因為它工程浩大。

The backs of his huge hands were covered in thick black hair . 他那雙巨手的手背上滿是濃密的黑汗毛。

I am struggling to finish the huge helping you gave me . 你給我添的這么多吃的,我得盡力把它吃完。

An urchin girl stood there, wrapped in a huge shawl . 一個淘氣的小姑娘裹著一條大頭巾,站在那里。

The audience quieted like the dying of a huge fan . 觀眾象一只漸漸停息的巨大的風扇一樣安靜下來。

The audience quieted like the dying of a huge fan . 觀眾們安靜下來,就象一架巨扇慢慢停下來一樣。

Huge quantities of steam may be erupted and then condense . 大量水氣會噴發出來,然后冷凝成雨。

A farm represents huge investments and financial risks . 一家農場代表著巨大的投資和資金冒險。

Burbo scratched his huge head, in evident embarrassment . 布耳玻顯然有些為難地搔了搔大腦袋。

They made a huge demonstration against the government . 他們舉行了一次聲勢浩大的反政府示威。

After the huge meal he loosened his belt and went to sleep . 飽餐一頓后他就松開腰帶睡著了。

“they are my men,“ the huge chief said stubbornly . “他們是我的人,”高大的酋長傲然地說。

Everyone crowded around a huge cauldron of boiling sap . 大家都圍擠在一個熬楓漿的大鍋旁。