
hoy int.嗬!喂!〔喚喊或驅趕家畜等的呼聲〕。


Hoy started tending bar in 1948 and worked at various hotels and restaurants , including freeman chum in new york where he served monroe drinks , before moving to the algonquin where former beatle lennon used to order scotch . hoy was coy 荷伊在香港出生,二戰期間在美軍服役,之后就在美國各地酒吧擔任馬提尼酒調酒師,他曾為伊麗莎白泰勒約翰列儂等名人斟過酒。

Further , marjorie hoy and jay jeyaprakash of the university of florida have determined that the technique employed in the rochester study often wrongly indicates an absence of parasitization 此外,美國弗羅里達大學的霍依與杰雅普拉卡須已經證實,羅徹斯特大學團隊使用的方法往往會導致錯誤的結論;明明是感染了沃巴赫菌的族群,他們卻認為沒有感染。

A police spokesman said garry hoy , 39 , fell into the courtyard of the toronto dominion bank tower as he was explaining the strength of the building ' s windows to visiting law students 一名警局發言人說,在多倫多自治領銀行所在的塔樓內, 39歲的加里?霍伊在向前來參觀的法科學生講解大樓窗戶的強度時墜落到該樓附帶的庭院里。

Charles hoy and his father sent the skull to the smithsonian institution , where it was identified as a new species 該動物的頭蓋骨被查爾斯.霍伊和其父送至史密森學會,被確認為一種新的物種。

Te vas a ir hoy 今天你去嗎?

Gung - hoy ! gung - hoy 好了!好了!

New york ( afp ) - retirement is the last thing on hoy wong ' s mind 紐約(法新社) -退休是黃海(音譯)腦子里裝的最后一件事。

Who made these hoies 這些洞是誰搞的?

Hoy wong said she would have a beefeater martini , and was very nice 黃海說夢露愛點“ beefeater ”馬提尼酒,而且人很好。

New york - retirement is the last thing on hoy wong ' s mind 紐約法新社-退休是黃海音譯腦子里裝的最后一件事。

Weii , how about nine hoies 那么,打個九洞賽怎么樣?

Dressed to fuck : scene 1 inscrbase hoy para recibir sus minutos gratis 現在就注冊以獲得送閣下的免費分鐘數

Kevin yes , right . it ' s beautifui . the iittie hoies are for candies 是的。很美,這些小洞用來插蠟燭

Except for digging shitty hoies , you can ' t do a damn thing 除了挖狗屎洞,你什么事都不會做!