
howl vi.1.(狗、狼等)嚎,嗥叫。2.(風等)怒號,怒吼。...


Envy assails the noblest , the winds howl around the highest peak 峰高招風,位高人妒。

While i ' m learning how to not howl at the moon , 當我慢慢學習怎么不在月光下嚎叫的時候

[ howls ] there ' s a new pirate aboard the jollyroger 喬尼?羅杰號上出現了一個新海盜

I howled , “ you ' ve become a gay republican . 我大叫“你變成一個同性戀的共和黨了! ”

They really did howl out something in that way 他們真的就那樣號叫出來個什么東西。

People screaming - guaranteed to make grown men howl 我擔保,未成年人都會嚇得亂叫

He lifts a mooncalf nozzle and howls . verfluchte goim 先生們,女士們,請下賭注!

The angry crowd howled the speaker off the platform 憤怒的人群把演說者趕下了臺。

Howls there ' s a new pirate aboard the jollyroger 喬尼羅杰號上出現了一個新海盜

Howl of terror ? this spell is now instant cast 恐懼嚎叫? ?這個技能現在是瞬發。

A dog will not howl if you beat him with a bone 假如你用骨頭打狗,狗就不會叫。

The sense of wrongs, the injustices, the oppression, extortion, and pillage of twenty years suddenly culminated and found voice in a raucous howl of execration . 二十年來所深受的損害、壓迫、勒索、掠奪和不公平的對待,一下子達到了最高峰,在一陣粗聲粗氣的謾罵叫囂里發泄出來。

Arch gunnard's dogs were howling occasionally, but they were not making any more noise than they usually did at night, and he was accustomed to their howling . 阿奇岡那特的狗偶爾吠幾聲,但是并不比平時夜里吵鬧,況且他對狗吠已經習以為常了。

The engines were howling again as though in pain, and the air inside the plane was acrid with the smell of machinery and fetid with the stench of gasoline . 發動機又在痛苦地嚎叫,飛機里的空氣充滿了機器和汽油散發出來的惡臭。

He hesitated under henry's direct gaze, looked around at the other diners, and all at once burst out in a howl of abuse at the waiter . 在享利的逼視下,他遲疑起來,望望周圍就餐的人,隨后立刻朝侍者大發雷霆。

The whole forest was peopled with frightful sounds-the creaking of the trees, the howling of wild beasts, and the yell of indians . 整個森林充滿了可怕的聲音--樹木吱吱嘎嘎地作響,野獸在嚎叫,印第安人在呼喊。

I could not ask that this boy be freed and given a chance at life while that mob howls beyond that window . 當那群暴民在那扇窗外大聲號叫的時候,我不能要求把這孩子釋放出去,自尋生路。

There was some blood on the sleeve of his sweater and he didn't want anybody coming in and howling about it . 他的運動衫袖子上沾著鮮血,他不希望有人進來大驚小怪地嚷嚷。

Nearly all joined in singing this hymn, which swelled high above the howling of the storm . 差不多所有的人都唱起這首圣詩,歌聲昂揚繚繞,蓋過了暴風雨的號嘯。