
household n.1.〔集合詞〕全家人;(包含人在內的)家眷,家屬,家...

household art

For if she had attended her household affairs, and such things as belong to women…she had kept her wits . 如果她操持家務,做些婦女份內的事……她就不至于才思枯竭。

Some of the fifty corporations are household words, like cbs and westinghouse . 五十家公司中,有一些公司的名稱是家喻戶曉的,如哥倫比亞廣播公司和威汀豪斯電氣公司。

The wife and mother was responsible for the ordering of the household and for the domestic training of female children . 妻子和母親負責料理家務,訓練女孩子理家。

If additional workers were needed for the establishment, they had to become members of the household . 假如一個農場需要較多的工人,則這些工人必須變成家庭的人員。

It must engage in barter in order to trade those goods that the household specializes in producing . 它就一定是進行易貨貿易,以便把家庭專門生產的產品拿去交換。

There were lively doings in the durbeyfield household for some time on the strength of tess's bounty . 德伯一家人拿苔絲那筆優厚的贐儀,很搞了一陣地熱鬧的名堂。

Studies indicate that nonfarm earnings now account for more than 20 percent of total household income . 研究資料表明,目前非農業收入占整個家庭收入的20以上。

As the extent and complexity of government increased, the number of households multiplied . 隨著政府的職權范圍逐漸擴大,并越來越復雜,家族的數目也就增多了。

Energy efficiency standards can be established for household appliances as well as for houses themselves . 對家用電器也可象住宅本身一樣建立能源效率標準。

Their delicate figures and fine clothes were proof of the wealth and standing of the household . 她們嬌小的身材和考究的服飾足以說明這一家人的富有和身份。

Scarcely five minutes later the canty household were in the street and flying for their lives . 還不到五分鐘之后,康第這一家人就到了街上,慌忙逃命。

His wife had not the slightest reason to feel that anything would ever go amiss with their household . 他的太太壓根兒不覺得他們的家庭會出什么岔子。

All this widespread culture of the wealthy householder is to the credit of the early roman empire . 這種富豪文化的廣泛流傳是早期羅馬帝國的光榮。

You must think of your own household first, or else you worse even than the infidels . 你得首先想到你自己的家庭,否則你要比異教徒還要糟糕。

At the moment in every household , road and lane , people are discussing the reformation . 眼下家家戶戶,街頭巷尾,人們都在談論著改革運動。

The household contract responsibility system does not mean privatization of the rural economy . 家庭聯產承包制并不意味著農村經濟私有化。

Gold, jewelry, works of art, enviable household furniture, are positive fetters . 金銀,首飾,工藝品,令人羨慕的家俱都是不可否認的鐐銬。

In recent years, farm households have begun to diversify their sources of income . 在最近幾年里,農民家庭已開始使他們的收入來源多樣化。

In this five year span, the medial age of household heads dropped by almost one full year . 在這五年內,戶主的平均年齡幾乎減了一年。