
hourglass 沙漏,水漏。


As a teacher or other authorized party speaks the words awarding or deducting points , the appropriate hourglass or hourglasses are automatically updated ( ss15 , op28 , 38 ) 當一個老師或其他有權扣分的人說出獎勵或扣除的分數,相應的沙漏會自動有所反應(魔法石第十五章、鳳凰令第二十八、三十八章) 。

Legend has it that changgu descends from the ancient mythical figure pangu . shaped like an hourglass and decorated with colourful vibrant patterns , it is played by striking the skinned drumheads on both ends 相傳長鼓源自遠古時期的盤古氏,呈長筒細腰狀,鼓身彩繪花紋,兩端蒙皮,以手拍擊。

The study noted , however , that children born to teenage girls with traditional hourglass figures seemed to be protected from this phenomenon and fared better in tests 然而,研究指出, “沙漏形”身材的少女媽媽所生的孩子則似乎沒有出現這種現象,他們在認知測試中的表現還不錯。

The asynchronous open feature marks projects that are still being downloaded with an hourglass , and marks fully downloaded projects for access as soon as they become available 異步打開功能用沙漏標記仍在下載中的項目,并且在下載完畢的項目變得可用時立即將其標記為可以訪問。

Part of it is his determination to keep father time at arm ' s length for a bit longer , keep his grip on the new york yankees rotation from disappearing all the way through the hourglass 部份是因為他想離觸手可即的退休稍微遠一點,保住他即將遠去的紐約洋基隊先發輪職的地位。

The study noted , however , that children born to teenage girls with traditional hourglass figures seemed to be protected from this phenomenon and did better in tests 研究人員說: “比起那些晚生頭胎的女性,少女媽媽所生的孩子認知發展減緩,同時她們自身的認知發展也不健全。 ”

The following code demonstrates how the cursor changes appearance when it passes over a text box control at run time , replacing the default arrow with an hourglass cursor 下面的代碼演示如何通過將默認箭頭替換為沙漏光標,在運行時更改光標經由文本框控件時的外觀。

Click the left mouse button to allow the chicken flying , careful not encountered any object , eat knocking on the door of the hourglass can increase the time and extra points 鼠標左鍵點擊讓小雞飛行,注意不要碰到任何物體,吃天上掉下的沙漏可以增加時間并且加分。

Picture 1 : a hubble space telescope picture of the planetary nebula hubble 12 in the constellation of cassiopeia . a series of rings on both sides of the hourglass can be seen 圖片1 :從哈勃太空望遠鏡所拍得哈勃12行星狀星云,其漏斗形狀和繞著兩邊的層圈清晰可見。

But without looking at you , kahn can examine a sample of your genes and tell you if you ' re shaped like an hourglass or a pear and whether you have huge hips or a beer belly 形的還是梨形的而且他還能說出你的臀部是否豐滿或者你是不是有個肚。

“ netherlandish still lifes often depicted skulls , candles , and hourglasses as allegories of mortality , or flowers and fruits to symbolize nature ' s cycle . 早期的尼德蘭靜物畫以頭蓋骨、蠟燭和沙漏寓意死亡,以四季鮮花和果實象征大自然的循環。

Typically , unless rnrmgr is not running , you will rarely see the hourglass icon and if you do , it only appears for a few seconds at most 一般來說,除非rnrmgr不在運行,否則您很少會看到沙漏圖標(即使看到,也最多只會出現幾秒鐘) 。

Time turner ( pa21 ) - the time turner is a small silver hourglass worn on a chain around the neck 時間轉換器(囚徒,第21章) -時間轉換器是一只小小的銀色的沙漏,用一條鏈子掛在脖子上。

Pictures obtained with the hubble space telescope show that it in fact has a perfect hourglass shape with a tight waist 從哈勃太空望遠鏡拍得的照片所見,此星體呈漏斗形,腰部纖細。

Large hourglasses stand in the entrance hall , showing the number of house points each house has accumulated ( ss15 ) 入口大廳的巨型沙漏顯示出每個學院累積的分數(魔法石,第15章) 。

Strong core muscles are important for good posture , a healthy back and the feminine hourglass shape 本輯肚皮舞軀干訓練篇簡單易學,國際知名姐妹舞蹈家維娜與尼娜?碧塔莎親身傳授。

Now research suggests that women with an hourglass figure are brighter and have cleverer children , too 現在一項研究顯示,擁有沙漏形身材的女性更為聰慧,她們生出的寶寶也更聰明。

Fill in shape between chest and hip for good bodyline , should be blended for wedge shape - not hourglass 嵌入胸部和坐圍之間的形狀應該為楔形,而不是沙漏形.這樣形成外觀才會好看

This hourglass nebula is the closing phase of a sun - like star s life as its outer layers are ejected 沙漏星云是與太陽相似的恒星演化最后階段,恒星把外殼噴出,形成行星狀星云。