
hotbed 溫床 (a hot bed of war 戰爭的策源地)...


The implementation of the new commission system , has declared “ regular commission “ hotbed on which new china ' s securities market depended from it was established to now will say good - bye to us , this not merely indicates that the securities trader makes the social average profit or the arrival of times of the meager profit , and indicate that the securities trade will shuffle again in the keen competition day by day 新傭金制度的實行,宣告了我國券商將徹底告別新中國證券市場創建以來賴以生存的“固定傭金制”溫床,這不僅預示著券商取得社會平均利潤或微利時代的到來,而且預示著證券業將在日益激烈的競爭中重新洗牌。

Meanwhile , we must emphasis the principle of combining the right and the duty in order to prevent the social security from being the hotbed of the lazybones “ , we should relate the social security with the income tax system and make them effective in promoting the fair distribution of income 同時,還應強調權利與義務相結合的原則,防止社會保障成為“懶漢的溫床” 。要把社會保障與所得稅制結合起來,使二者在促進收入公平分配方面發揮重要的作用。當然,社會保qz蠢霎日。

During its developing , changzhou deeply realizes that the competition between regions , industry and enterprises is naturally the competition for science and technology and ultimately become the competition for talents . human resource is the most important resource of all . hi the next five years , changzhou plans to exploit human resource with great effort and become the hotbed of talents 常州市在實施發展遠景目標進程中,越來越深切地感覺到,地區間、產業間和企業間的競爭實質上是對科學技術運用能力的競爭,而科技的競爭又突出地表現為人才的競爭,人力資源是重中之重。

Such kind of thought has become the hotbed of cultivating undesirable tendency : satisfying with present situation , not thinking of enterprising , muddling along and so on . the existing system does not completely aim at the staff ’ s true need . the means of incentive pays attention to exterior incentive , neglects to guide staff to enhance the demand level so to carry on the self - encouragement ; the way of driving is unitary , does not differentiate the staff 作者針對企業現有激勵機制中存在的問題,利用激勵理論和人力資源管理理論進行分析,對該企業的激勵機制進行優化研究,主要體現在以下幾個方面:實行崗位績效工資制度,完善獎金分配方式,補充獎酬中長期激勵方法;建立關鍵業績指標考核體系,使考核結果與獎酬緊密結合;靈活選用培訓方式,使培訓制度化、系統化。

Therefore , the listed company m & a may bring the cooperative effect to the company , contributing to the economically rational disposition of the macroeconomic , however on the other hand , perhaps it is the result only from the administration and supervision authorities abusing the power , becomes the hotbed of securities swindling or other prohibitive behaviors 所以一方面,上市公司收購可能為公司帶來協同效應,有助于宏觀經濟上資源的合理配置;但是另一方面,它可能只是管理層濫用權利的產物,成為證券欺詐或其他禁止行為的溫床。

Featuring a wide variety of exotic cuisine , this hotbed of international culinary delights offers something for virtually every palate . it is truly a smorgasbord of taste treats . befitting an international eating mecca , this district is packed with people savouring the culinary delights that hong kong has to offer 諾士佛臺及諾士佛階雖隱蔽于鬧市一隅,卻是追趕美食潮流之地,西班牙意大利日本菜館和酒吧俱備,環境又清幽,實在是不可多得的國際美食街。

The high - tech park is regarded as a hotbed for high - tech industries , such as software business , biological pharmacy , electronic information and new materials . the authorities in the pioneering areas give primary priority to investment attraction and attach importance to building sound investment environments 據介紹, 12月22日,中山廣場將矗立起一株直徑18米高30米的大型“希望樹” , “樹”上飾以霓虹燈及光影設備,在夜晚煥發出絢爛繽紛的色彩。

Following beijing , all other large , middle - sized and small cities nationwide successively prohibited prostitution . in a short period of time , this hotbed of crimes , which had seriously ruined women ' s physical and mental health and their dignity for more than 3 , 000 years in china , was stamped out 繼北京之后,全國各大中小城市紛紛開展禁娼運動,在很短的時間內,就使這種在中國延續三千多年、嚴重摧殘婦女身心健康和尊嚴的罪惡淵藪絕跡。

Mechanism is the inherent power and the basis of the hi - tech industry development . the enviroment is the hotbed of the hi - tech industry developmento it ' s must be have a good the enviroment to ensure valid mechanism run with high efficiency 機制是高新技術產業發展的內在動力和基礎,環境是高新技術產業發展的“溫床” ,高新技術產業要得到快速發展,就要在一個良好的環境中保障有效機制的高效運行。

Mongkok , one of the most densely populated areas in the world , is the hotbed of illicit business . lai fu daniel wu , a farm boy from mainland china , is hired as a killer and is forced to enter into the coincidence of gangs of mongkok 來福吳彥祖飾為了尋找失蹤的未婚妻,經身份神秘的老六林雪飾介紹下,從大陸到來香港當殺手,對付旺角一黑幫老大,從此卷入社團仇殺中。

Fenson has been voted the american olympian with the “ coolest job “ by some of his country ' s media for owning dave ' s pizza in the curling hotbed of bemidji , minnesota , home to half of the u . s . rink 我們的比薩餅的面餅表皮顯得稍微厚一些,所用汁的味道更為濃烈,而且面餅上放置的配料種類也要更多一些。 ”

The ancient town of aurangabad in bihar - one of india ' s most backward and poorest states - is a hotbed of crime ranging from killing , extortion , kidnapping and inter - caste wars 這個名叫奧蘭加巴德的古鎮位于印度最為落后和貧窮的比哈爾邦,這里的人民長期飽受殺人、敲詐勒索、綁架和幫派內戰等犯罪事件的困擾。

The ancient town of aurangabad in bihar - - one of india ' s most backward and poorest states - - is a hotbed of crime ranging from killing , extortion , kidnapping and inter - caste wars 印度古老城市奧蘭加巴德位于該國最貧困落后的比哈爾邦,這里謀殺、勒索、綁架以及階級內部紛爭等犯罪行為層出不窮。

The ancient town of aurangabad in bihar - one of india ' s most backward and poorest states - is a hotbed of crime ranging from killing , extortion , kidnapping and inter - caste wars 印度古老城市奧蘭加巴德位于該國最貧困落后的比哈爾邦,這里謀殺勒索綁架以及階級內部紛爭等犯罪行為層出不窮。

The ancient town of aurangabad in bihar - one of india s most backward and poorest states - is a hotbed of crime ranging from killing , extortion , kidnapping and inter - caste wars 印度古老城市奧蘭加巴德位于該國最貧困落后的比哈爾邦,這里謀殺勒索綁架以及階級內部紛爭等犯罪行為層出不窮。

Loses the abandoned plastic product like sticks has the pollutant , can become the hotbed which the mosquito musca and the bacterium survival , numerous plants , harms human body key kang . 3 遺棄的塑料制品如粘有污染物,會成為蚊蠅和細菌生存、繁植的溫床,危害人體鍵康。

Wang is just part of the craze that has swept taiwan this season , turning an island better known in baseball circles for its little league teams into a hotbed of yankees worshipers 王建民造成本季棒球熱橫掃全臺,以少棒聞名于棒球界的島嶼變成孕育洋基朝圣者的溫床。

In this period of social transformation , the media ' s form of survival and their interactive operation with other social powers create the hotbed for the alienation of media power 在社會轉型期,媒介生態及其同其他社會權力的矛盾運動,構成媒介權力異化的前提。

Festivals proliferate throughout its mild , if occasionally rain - soaked summer , and numerous music venues provide a hotbed for up - and - coming rock bands and a burgeoning jazz scene 同時,人口增多帶來的市場潛力,也形成加國經濟發展的一個促進因素。