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hot rod 短語和例子〔俚語〕1.(舊車拆卸改裝的)減重高速汽車。2...

hot rodder

“ we ' re hot rod builders , dirt bike riders , bicycling enthusiasts , and we love all kind of sports , with or without machines , with or without electronics 我們是管材玩家、土坡車騎士、單車狂熱份子,我們喜好任何運動,不管有沒有機械裝置、需要或不需要電,我們喜愛健康的人。

This revved - up off - road hot rod blasts apart on impact , but just snap down the hood and you ' re back in the race 如果霹靂快車被沖撞后,前方的熱能桿脫離了車身,你只要把引擎蓋蓋好,就有可以參加比賽了

Holding drag races is a good way to stop teenage hot rod racing on public highways 舉行短程賽車是制止青少年在馬路上作瘋狂賽車的一種方法。

It looks like a giant hockey puck and hums like a hot rod 它看上去像一個巨大的冰球,轟鳴起來又像一個由舊車改裝而成的高速汽車。