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hot pants 〔美國〕(婦女穿在外面的)冬季短褲。

hot pepper

Few are as surreal as this : the smart gates of a religious primary school that abuts a neon - lit townhouse , in the doorway of which dances a hostess clad in hot pants , a hat and very little else 沒有什么比這更難以置信了- - - -宗教小學精巧的校門毗鄰霓虹燈閃爍的市政廳,其門口有一位舞女,穿著熱褲,戴頂帽子,別的衣物幾乎為零。

Nike is her biggest endorsement deal , and the company pays her close to $ 5 million a year to wear everything from hot pants to knee - high boots on the court 耐克公司是小威廉姆斯最大的贊助商,公司每年支付給她500萬美元,僅要求她在比賽時穿著該公司為她親身打造的運動服。

She is the inspiration behind music videos , comic books , amusement park attractions and endorsements for products , ranging from hot pants to energy drinks 她是音樂錄影帶、漫畫書籍的靈感來源,是游樂場的搖“票”樹,也從熱辣內褲到活力飲品等等商品的風向標。

Visitors should not wear hot pants or shorts when visiting pagodas and sandals or slippers are convenient as it is required to remove all footwear at the entrance 在游覽佛塔時,游客最好不要穿著熱褲或短褲,而且在入門時要脫去鞋襪。

Oh , and l ' ve got hot pants , ray ray 我也很熱,雷雷

Vanessa - mae has been called a paganini in 1 ) hot pants 陳美曾被稱為穿熱褲的帕格尼尼。