hot money 1.贓款;偷來的錢。2.(為牟利)由一國轉移至另一國的流...
1.贓款;偷來的錢。 2.(為牟利)由一國轉移至另一國的流動資金。 “hot“ 中文翻譯: adj. 1.熱的 (opp. cold)。 2.(味道 ...“money“ 中文翻譯: n. 1.貨幣;錢,金錢。 2.財產,財富,財力。 3. ...“hot money deposits“ 中文翻譯: 游資存款“hot money movement“ 中文翻譯: 游資移動“hot money speculation“ 中文翻譯: 熱錢投機“international hot money“ 中文翻譯: 國際游資“at the money“ 中文翻譯: 平價期權; 平值期權; 照所付的代價“for money“ 中文翻譯: 現款交易“for the money“ 中文翻譯: 都是鈔票惹的禍; 利欲兩心; 錢太多; 照所付的代價“in the money“ 中文翻譯: 沽盈價; 獲前三名; 價內期權; 較現值有利; 期權的實利; 正在賺錢;當時有利價;資金充裕; 資金充裕“in-the-money“ 中文翻譯: 價內(期權)來源:考試大; 價內(期權)來源:考試學習網; 價內期權,也叫實值期權; 已到價合約; 有利價值,內在價值; 有內在價值的期權“is money“ 中文翻譯: 時間就是金錢time“money“ 中文翻譯: n. 1.貨幣;錢,金錢。 2.財產,財富,財力。 3.〔主 pl.〕 (特種)貨幣;通貨;〔pl.〕〔古語〕【法律】金額〔常用 monies 這一特殊復數寫法〕。 4.【經濟學】交換媒介物,貨物貨幣。 5.大富翁;金融集團。 6.(優勝)獎金。 fairy money (終要變成樹葉的)魔錢;拾得的錢。 paper money 紙幣。 ready money現金。 soft money 〔美口〕紙幣。 hard money硬幣。 small money零錢。 What's the money ? 要多少錢? 價錢是多少? Those with money should contribute money. 有錢出錢。 There is money in it. 可以賺錢,有利可圖。 at the money = for the money. be in the money 〔俚語〕有錢,富裕;(在賽狗、賽馬中)得獎,賭勝,贏。 be made of money 錢多得不得了。 cheap at the money 價錢便宜。 coin money 〔口語〕大賺其錢,暴發。 covered money〔美國〕國庫存款。 everybody's [everyman's] money 〔口語〕人人歡迎的東西 (He's not everybody's money. 他不是人人都歡迎的人)。 for love or money 無論怎樣都。 for money 為錢;【商業】直接[現款]交易。 for my money 〔口語〕在我看來;正合我意 (He is the man for my money. 他是合我心意的人)。 for the money 照所付的代價。 get one's money's worth (錢花得)合算,值得;無損失。 in the money = be in the money. keep in money 借給錢,墊錢。 lose money 虧本 (over)。 make money 賺錢,發財 〔cf. money-making〕。 make money(out) of 用…賺錢。 money crops 專供銷售的農作物。 money down 現金,現款。 money for jam 〔英俚〕容易賺的錢。 M- makes the mare (to) go. 〔諺語〕有錢能使鬼推磨;金錢萬能。 money market 金融市場。 money of account 記賬貨幣〔如美國的 mill, 英國的 guinea〕。 money on [at] call = call-money 隨時可以收回的借款。 money on the line 【美拳】當天賣票收入。 money out of hand = money down. M- talks. 〔美國〕金錢萬能。 on the money 〔美俚〕在最適當的時間[地點]。 out of money 拮據;吃虧 (by)。 out of the money 〔美國〕賽馬輸掉。 raise money on 以…抵押籌措款項。 sink money 浪費金錢。 throw good money after bad 一再吃虧。 “no money“ 中文翻譯: 復讀軟件; 沒有錢“on money“ 中文翻譯: 金錢問題“t-money“ 中文翻譯: 交通卡“that’s money“ 中文翻譯: 越軌行動“the money“ 中文翻譯: 長財布“there is money in it“ 中文翻譯: 可以從中賺錢, 有利可圖“there is money in that“ 中文翻譯: 可以從中賺錢, 有利可圖“there is money in this“ 中文翻譯: 可以從中賺錢, 有利可圖“money money“ 中文翻譯: 撿錢游戲; 旁門左道; 錢錢錢“money,money“ 中文翻譯: 刮龍世界“a hot“ 中文翻譯: 快照,快照拍攝“hot“ 中文翻譯: adj. 1.熱的 (opp. cold)。 2.(味道)刺激性的,辣的,辛辣的;【打獵】野獸的氣味強烈的;(色彩)強烈的,給人熱感的(如紅、黃等)。 3.熱烈的,激動的;猛烈的,激烈的;熱情的,熟心的;急躁的,發火的。 4.淫穢的;色情的;性欲強的,(動物)正當交尾期的。 5.(爵士音樂)節奏快的;〔美俚〕吵鬧的,即興的;興奮之余自由演奏的。 6.時新的,流行的,熱門的;最近的,剛到的,剛做好的;才出鍋的,才出爐的,(菜等)熱騰騰的;(公債等)才發行的;〔美俚〕剛偷來的;非法得來的;危險的。 7.杰出的,極好的;(選手)強有力的;(演技等)優秀的。 8.〔俚語〕極走運的;正在頸頭上的;競技狀態極佳的。 9.(游戲)接近目的物的;差一點就(猜中)的。 10.通高壓電的;【原子能】放射性強的。 11.緊隨的,接近的;被通緝的。 12.〔俚語〕荒誕的,不可信的。 be piping [steaming] hot酷熱,悶熱。 Strike the iron while it is hot. 〔諺語〕趁熱打鐵,趁機行事。 a hot battle 激戰。 hotblush 紅臉。 a hot place in the battle 激戰地。 hotwords 激烈話。 a hot argument 激烈辯論。 hotidea 〔美國〕極好的主意。 Pepper is hot. 胡椒是辣的。 hottemper 暴躁的脾氣。 a hot scent or trail 獵物氣味強烈或有強烈臭味的路徑〔打獵用語〕。 in hot pursuit 緊追。 a hot wire 高壓電線。 all hot and bothered 〔俚語〕騷動中的。 at its [the] hottest 在最激烈的一點上。 be hoton sb.'s trail 窮追某人。 be hot on [for] 熱中于,熱心。 be hot under the collar 〔俚語〕發怒。 drop sth. like a hot potato [chestnut] 〔口語〕急忙扔掉。 get hot 1. 變熱,發熱。 2. 激動,發怒。 3. 〔俚語〕使勁干。 4. 接近。 get into hot water 〔口語〕遭到麻煩,惹來麻煩。 get [catch] it hot 〔口語〕被大罵一頓。 give it to sb. hot =let sb. have it hot 〔口語〕痛罵某人,痛打某人。 go hot and cold (all over) (因害怕等)感到一陣子熱一陣子冷。 hotand heavy 猛烈;極力,拼命。 hot and hot (食物)才出鍋的,才出爐的。 hotand strong 猛烈地,激烈地。 hotfrom the press 剛印好的。 hotoff the wire 電報[電話]剛剛打來的。 in hotblood 發怒,激昂。 in hothaste 火急。 make the place too hotfor sb. =make it too hotto hold sb. 使某人待不下去。 not so hot 不太好,不太杰出。 sizzling hot 火燙一樣的熱;充滿憤怒。 the hots 〔美俚〕愛情,性欲。 vi. 〔英國〕變熱;變得激動;騷動起來 (up)。 vt. 〔英國〕使熱 (up) 刺激,使騷動。 adv. 1.熱;熱烈地,猛烈地。 2.憤怒地。 3.趁熱。 blow hot and cold 無定見,猶豫不決。 come hot on sb.'s heels 緊跟某人來。 adv. -ly ,-ness n.
hot pack |
Although there is still one step from the pegging ceiling of china ' s central bank in the spot exchange rate of the us dollar against renminbi , numerous evidences indicate that a timetable of reforms on renminbi exchange rate is far from certain and china ' s central bank has prepared to fight an extended war against speculative “ hot money “ in its exchange rate policies 美元兌人民幣的現貨匯率,雖然離中國央行盯住上限尚有一步之遙,但種種跡象表明,人民幣匯率改革仍遙遙無期,中國央行在匯率政策上已經作好同投機“熱錢“打持久戰的準備。 |
Since the international hot money has acted the strong character in the 90 ' s in the currency crisis and the international finance turbulent : the large - scale international hot money inflow , has brought the macroscopic economical and the financial aspect dual risk for the eruption finance crisis countries 國際游資在上個世紀90年代以來的數次貨幣危機與國際金融動蕩爆發中扮演了重要角色:大規模的國際游資流入,給爆發金融危機的國家帶來了宏觀經濟和金融方面的雙重風險。 |
Monetary conditions in hong kong have returned to normal , with hong kong dollar interest rates closely tracking those for the us dollar . it may be that this would have happened anyway without the three refinements , given the reduced , short - term prospects of any move in the renminbi exchange rate , but then , without clearly limiting the movement of the exchange rate on the strong side , the hot money could have stayed , as it had done in the previous eighteen months 當然,由于市場預期短期內人民幣匯率出現任何變動的可能性極低,因此即使沒有推出這些優化措施,也許熱錢始終都會離開,本港的貨幣狀況亦會逐步回復正常,但在沒有明確限制匯率偏強程度的情況下,這些熱錢亦有可能會像過去18個月一樣,一直死守在香港。 |
To maintain a sound and stable financial order in a closely intertwined global economy , it is imperative for countries to work to improve there financial system , policies and supervision , to strengthen both regional and international financial cooperation and jointly ward off excessive speculation by international hot money 在各國經濟聯系日益密切的條件下,保持健康穩定的金融形勢,需要各國在完善金融的體制、政策和監管上進行努力,需要加強國際和地區的金融合作,需要共同防范國際游資過度投機。 |
The thesis mainly include five parts . fisrt there is a brief introduction of the china ’ s international short - term capital flow since twentieth century 90s ’ ; and define the international short - term capital flow and the hot money from the conception . the first part is a comprehensive narration about the development of the international capital flow theories in contemporary times and 此外,本文還提出可以從外匯儲備、國際收支的凈誤差與遺漏值、短期外債的增額、外匯占款等幾個不同角度對國際短期資本流動的態勢進行大致匡算,從而得出自2002年以來有大量的的國際短期資本流入中國的結論。 |
In this case , international hot money and idle fund flow into our country in a large amount , gamble the appreciation expectancy of rmb , become of our country foreign exchange reserve with foreign currency account for main reason that fund rise fast in recent years 近年來,由于中國宏觀經濟的良好態勢,以及中國對外貿易的巨大順差,使人民幣面臨升值壓力。這種情況下,國際熱錢與游資大量流入我國境內,賭人民幣升值預期,成為近幾年我國外匯儲備和外匯占款快速上升的主要原因。 |
In recent years , along with the strong growth of chinese economy , the foreign capital massive inflows , the foreign trade continued the earnings and the foreign exchange reserve fast increase , the renminbi appreciation anticipation strengthens unceasingly , the international hot money massively flowed into china 近年來,隨著中國經濟的強勁增長,外資的大量流入,外貿的持續盈余和外匯儲備的快速增加,人民幣升值預期不斷增強,國際游資通過各種渠道大量流入中國,并通過多種途徑投機人民幣和人民幣資 |
He emphasized that to maintain a normal financial order and ward off financial risks , we should not only formulate correct economic development strategies and preserve a rational economic structure , but also improve the financial system through strengthened financial supervision and regulation . meanwhile , we should decline financial policies in light of our specific conditions . we should enhance regional and international financial cooperation , jointly restrain and ward off the impact of excessive speculation of hot money in the world 他強調,為了維護正常的金融秩序,防范金融風險,既要制定正確的經濟戰略,保持合理的經濟結構,健全金融體系,加強金融監管,善于根據實際情況確立金融政策也要加強地區和世界的金融合作,共同約束和防范國際過度投機的沖擊。 |
The author makes some analysis on the possibilities of the financial crisis under the two types of . regimes for the developing countries . we find that the concentration and accumulation of the exchange rate risks are huge under the fixed pegged exchange rate arrangement , so it is easy to induce the attack of the enormous hot money 通過發展中國家兩種匯率制度下發生金融危機的可能性進行了分析,結果發現:與浮動匯率制度相比,固定釘住匯率制度下的外匯風險集中度高、風險累積程度深、外匯投機沖擊發生可能性大,易引發資本項目下的金融沖擊,造成貨幣危機。 |
To our new developing securities market , in order to handle the competitions coming from securities market of advanced country and the enormous impact of international hot money , it is essential that our securities market must constantly ripe and regulatory system must be perfected 對于我國這樣一個新興的證券市場來說,要面對來自世界各國尤其是發達國家證券市場的競爭和國際投機資金的巨大沖擊,要求我國的證券市場不斷成熟和監管制度不斷健全。 |
Although these new instruments can help people prevent lots of risks , they also provide the speculators with new arbitrage opportunities , and attract large amounts of hot money . as a result these would induce another innovative motivation to eliminate the new speculative risks 金融創新不僅提供了防范風險的功能,同時不同市場金融產品的價格差異也提供了極佳的投機套利的機會,吸引了大量的投機資本。 |
The money supply had ballooned over the past few years due to the high savings rate , the trade surplus , and the repatriation of hot money , and there were very few investment outlets for these funds other than the stock and property markets 由于過去幾年的高儲蓄率,高貿易盈余和熱錢的涌入,資金的供給非常充沛,除了地產和股市外這些資金幾乎沒有投資渠道。 |
By tying the yuan closely to the dollar , china has been forced to hold its interest rates lower than is prudent : higher rates would attract more “ hot money ” from abroad , putting upward pressure on the currency 通過人民幣與美元緊密掛鉤,中國已被迫維持低到不能用謹慎來形容的利率水平:高利率會吸引更多國外的“熱錢” [ 11 ] ,給貨幣帶來升值壓力。 |
Those inpower open one eye to the overseas hot money while shutting the other , while at the same time secretly investing their own and their friends ' and relatives ' funds in the stock market , free 一 riding off overseas hot money 于是,當權者們一方面對海外熱錢睜一眼閉一眼,同時又悄悄把自己和親朋好友的資金投入股市,搭海外熱錢的便車。 |
Mr simpfendorfer said that “ hot money ” accounted for $ 11bn of the increases in reserves in the second quarter of this year , compared with a $ 53bn inflow in the fourth quarter of 2004 at their peak 辛芬多弗先生表示,在今年第二季度的外匯儲備增長額中, “熱錢”占110億美元,而在2004年第四季度的高峰期間, “熱錢”流入金額曾達530億美元。 |
The residual hot money that had come into and stubbornly stayed in hong kong , using the hong kong dollar as an instrument for betting on a revaluation of the renminbi exchange rate , has departed quickly 利用港元投機人民幣升值而于早前流入并堅持不撤離的熱錢已迅速流出本港。香港的貨幣狀況已回復正常,港元利率緊貼美元利率的走勢。 |
In addition , an interest rate hike may increase pressure on the renminbi to appreciate , thereby drawing further “ hot money “ inflows into china and adding to domestic money supply and inflation pressures 此外,提高利率可能會增加人民幣升值的壓力,因而吸引更多“熱錢”流入中國,從而增加國內貨幣供應量和通脹壓力。 |
As a rising renminbi will help draw more hot money flowing into the local economy , it is expected local economic activities will grow stably and healthily in view of numerous favorable conditions 加上人民幣持續轉,有利吸引熱錢流入香港,在多項有利條件下,相信上半年香港經濟活動,亦會有穩定及健康的發展。 |
Example : in addition , raising rates could have the undesirable consequence of stimulating the flow of “ hot money ” into china , adding upward pressure on money supply and inflation 例證:此外,加息還可能帶來如下不良后果:刺激國外“熱錢”流入中國,并增加資金供給和通脹的上升壓力。 |