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hot landing 高速降落。

hot light

The garden is striving to create optimized soft environment for investment by way of constructing ramified communications network , beautified and optimized working and living environment with sincere service consciousness , substandtial working attitude and classic working efficiency to expedite each investor ' s development and prosperity in this hot land of xinqiao town 園區以構筑四通八達的交通網絡,美化、優化的工作居住環境,以真誠的服務意識、務實的工作態度,一流的工作效能,努力營造優化投資軟環境,使各位投資者在新橋這塊熱土上謀發展,創造偉業。

Unique geological location and convenient transportation make luoshe town enjoy best location , good investment environment and aggressive consciousness , which allows luoshe town to be a hot land with business opportunities and hopes and an ideal place of setting up enterprises 獨特的地理位置和便捷的交通,確定了洛社得天獨厚的區位優勢,良好的創業環境、銳意進取的開放意識,使洛社成為充滿商機和希望的熱土,極具吸引力的創業寶地。

For superior location , solid transportation , complete facilities , rich and reasonable price of personnel resources , first services , favorable environment , xujing down ship is a hot land for the investors from domestic and overseas 優越的地理位置、立體的交通運輸網絡、完善的市政設施、充足廉價的人力資源儲備、配套的優質服務,良好的生態環境,徐涇日益成為中外客商投資上海的風水寶地。

When the first spring wind flows through , meilong is a developing hot land . wind - open meilong will provide you excellent chance of development to create glorious achievement 新世紀的第一縷春風掠過之時,梅隴是一片正在蓬勃發展的熱土。開放的梅隴,將給你提供縱橫捭闔發展的良機,將為你創造奮力搏擊鑄造輝煌業績的機遇。

When the first spring wind flows through , meilong is a developing hot land . wind - opon meilong will provide you excellent chance of development to create glorious achievement 新世紀的第一縷春風掠過之時,梅隴是一片正在蓬勃發展的熱土。開放的梅隴,將給你提供縱橫捭闔發展的良機,將為你創造奮力搏擊鑄造輝煌業績的機遇。

We sincerely hope investors can find business opportunities and make good profits on this hot land . location and administrative division 衷心祝愿投資者能在新余這塊熱土上尋找到理想的投資發展機會,并獲得豐厚回報。

Statistics show that haiyan has also become a hot land for investment owing to the bridge ' s construction 統計數據顯示,大橋的建設也讓海鹽成為了一片投資熱土。