
hot adj.1.熱的 (opp. cold)。2.(味道)刺...

hot atom

It was very hot and when i woke my legs itched . 那天很熱,我一醒來,腿上發癢。

It 's been terribly hot these few days . 這幾天熱得利害。

All our rooms have hot and cold running water . 我們所有的房間都有冷熱自來水。

It was so hot that the butter ran . 天氣太熱,黃油都化了。

It 's very hot in the cabin let 's go to deck . 艙室內很熱,我們到甲板上去吧。

Well , can they all be served as hot pot dishes ? 那么,這些都可以放入火鍋嗎?

It's said that he is hot on several foreign languages . 據說他精通好幾門外語。

His long speech was nothing but gas and hot air . 他的長篇大論只是吹牛和空話。

The air that had been hot all day became heavy . 整天炎熱的空氣變得沉悶起來。

A hot wave of anger swept over the american public . 強烈的怒潮席卷美國公眾。

Is that a resort noted for its hot springs ? 那是一個以溫泉出名的觀光勝地嗎?

The hot weather has soured the milk . 酷熱的天氣使牛奶酸了。

Unquestionably the interior of the earth is hot . 毫無疑問,地球內部是熱的。

They blow hot and blow cold just as you do . 她們也象你一樣,冷一陣熱一陣。

The book has been selling like hot cakes . 出版社將再版該書。

A hot drink will soon set you up . 你喝杯熱飲料馬上就精神了。

He tried to soak out the alcohol in a hot bath . 他試圖用熱水浴把酒精泡掉。

I bought some hot merchandise and got ripped off . 我買了一些贓物,上了當。

The white man's hot eyes swept the crowd . 那個白人用激怒的目光環視著人群。