
hostility n.1.敵意,敵視。2.敵對行為,反抗行為; 〔pl.〕...


Are you aware of your opponent ' s hostility 你意識到了對手的敵意嗎?

See , i ' ll accept that slight hostility 好吧,我原諒你的微小的不友善

She is just one - track minded , but doesn ' t have any hostility 她只是一根筋,但并無惡意。

His suggestion met with some hostility 他的建議遭到某種程度的反對。

Hostilities ended with the conclusion of a peace treaty 和平條約簽定以,戰事隨之結束

Hostilities ended with the conclusion of a peace treaty 和平條約簽定以后,戰事隨之結束

You probably thought that was some form of latent hostility 你大概會以為我對你有敵意吧

There is now open hostility between the two countries 這兩個國家現在表現出公開的敵意。

See , i ' ll accept that slight hostility . . 好吧,我原諒你的微小的不友善. .

Zaphod i ' m getting hostility from you , aiex 我感覺你對我有些敵意了,阿萊

An agreement or a treaty to end hostilities 和約結束敵對行為的協議或條約

The cessation of hostilities against port royal 我希望你們停止攻擊皇家港

He dreamed that he could conquer hostility with love 他曾夢想用愛戰勝對手

The weasel said that he had a special hostility to mice 這只黃鼠狼說他恨一切鼠類。

If children live with hostility , they learn to fight 敵意中長大的孩子,喜歡吵架。

[ zaphod ] i ' m getting hostility from you , aiex . . 我感覺你對我有些敵意了,阿萊

The difference between the peacefulness of inferior nature and the wilful hostilities of mankind was very apparent at this place . 在這個地方,低級動物的和平天性與人類的蓄意相仇之間的區別,是特別地顯著。

The difference between the peacefulness of inferior nature and the witful hostility of mankind was very apparent at this place . 在這個地方,低級動物的和平天性與人類的蓄意相仇之間的區別,是特別地顯著。

Tom paine, once the hero of the colonies, was refused burial in a consecrated place after years of hostility or neglect . 湯姆派恩一度是殖民地英雄,后來受排斥冷淡,逝世后,不準在奉為圣地處安葬。