
hostage n.人質;抵押品。 be held in [as an]...


One hostage , a deputy pastor has been killed 一名天主教副牧師人質被處死。

The terrorists refused to release the hostages 那些恐部分子拒絕釋放人質。

The bandits kept one of their prisoners as a hostage 土匪將所擄的人中留一作為人質。

One hostage out of the group of five was rescued 五名人質中有一名被救出。

The hostages were well treated by their captors 那些人質受到劫持者的善待

Now the country has been a hostage of political deadlock 現在,國家陷入了政治僵局。

Reporter . apparently a hostage situation is unfolding 很顯然是人質挾持情形

We ' ve got a problem - - one of the hostages is missing 我們這里有點狀況少了一個人質

If you find charlotte , he ' s got his hostage 如果你發現查理,他拿到他的人質

Intel doesn ' t have customers but hostages 英特爾擁有的不是顧客,而是人質。

The hostages may be killed when we go in there 可能我們沖進去的時候人質也被殺害了

Dark scream : the hostages are mashing my motherboard 人質正在搗碎我的主板

Team 3 , position under the crane to go after the hostage 3隊,在起重機下面營救人質

They threatened to burn the hostages alive 他們威脅說如果日本在3天內不撤軍

Holding mayor gibson and his staff hostage 挾持吉布森市長及其隨從作為人質,

United states does not negotiate with hostage - takers 美國不和挾持人質者談判

Three people were briefly held hostage on the bus 在巴士上有3人臨時成了他的人質。

We ' ve got a problem - one of the hostages is missing 我們這里有點狀況少了一個人質

His wife and children are held hostage at home 為要增進全家感情,于是舉辦. .