
horsehair 1.馬毛,馬鬃。2.馬毛呢。


The buddhas were only roughly carved in the rock , which was then covered in a mud plaster mixed with straw and horsehair molded to depict the folds of their robes and then painted in bright colors 佛像只粗略雕刻在巖壁上,再包覆一層灰泥,摻雜稻草和馬毛,用來形塑佛像法袍縐摺,再涂上鮮明的顏料。

It was a large , dark room , furnished in a funereal manner with black horsehair , and loaded with heavy dark tables 那是一間陰暗的大屋,像喪禮一樣擺著黑色馬毛呢面的家具和沉重的黑色桌子。

Wool , fine or coarse animal hair ; horsehair yarn and woven fabric 絲羊毛,動物粗細毛;馬毛紗及其梭織物