
horror n.1.戰栗,恐怖;可怕的事物。2.嫌惡,痛恨。3.討厭...

horror fiction

He purposed to blast her with the sudden horrors of his presence when she had come close to the place of rendezvous . 他要等她走近約會地點時,突然現形而把她嚇昏過去。

The flaming buildings lit up the faces of men and women looking numbed, shocked, horror stricken . 燃燒著的建筑物照亮了男男女女的臉,他們似乎已沒有感覺,嚇呆了。

It extracted a full measure of suspense and horror from the conventional machinery of gothic . 它繼承了哥特式小說的傳統手法,吸取了其制造懸念和恐怖的全部技巧。

We detest with horror the duplicity and villainy of the murderous hyenas of bukharinite wreckers . 我們非常憎恨布哈林那幫兩面三刀、殺人破壞,干盡壞事的豺狼。

The isolation and loneliness of pride had for her mind the horror of a desert place . 因為驕傲所構成的孤獨和寂寞,對她的心靈來說,是一片充滿恐怖的不毛之地。

As he walks through the streets his very face denotes his horror of the world's wickedness . 在他從街頭走過時,他的臉上就表明了他對世上邪惡的憎惡。

Mussolini's bid for a fascist revival plunged italy into the horrors of civil war . 墨索里尼企圖復興法西斯黨,這就使意大利陷入了內戰的恐怖之中。

She gives him a long, queer look, composite of horror and a building panic . 她長時間用一種稀奇的眼光看著他,眼光里帶有恐懼并且越來越驚慌起來。

For the first time in her life the import and horror of social ostracism flashed upon her . 她生平第一次突然想到遭受社交界排斥的意義與可怕。

His expression changed from bewilderment to horror as he realized what had happened . 他意識到發生了什么時,他的表情由迷惑變為恐懼。

He turned of a deadly hue, and a sudden horror seemed to fall upon him . 他的臉色變得死一般地慘白,仿佛陡然為一種恐怖所籠罩著。

He began to have a new horror of winning, of the victories of untrammeled autonomy . 他開始厭惡占上風,厭惡不受羈絆的自由。

Never take me to a horror film again. i was scared out of my wits . 以后再也不要帶我去看恐怖電影,我簡直被嚇得魂不附體。

It is the stereotyped monster of the horror films and the adventure books . 它還是恐怖影片和探險作品中慣用的怪物形象。

There were gasps of horror from the spectators as he fell off the tightrope . 他從緊的繩索上摔了下來,觀眾嚇得直喘氣。

Blood was its avatar and its seal-the redness and the horror of blood, 鮮血就是它的化身,它的標志--殷紅的,可怕的血。

You are thinking what a self-centered old horror a.j. is . 你大概想埃倫杰斯特羅是個以自我為中心的可怕的老家伙吧。

Eugene looked, and horror swarmed like poison through his blood . 尤金一看,恐怖象毒素一樣在他周身血液中巡回。

The feeling which beset the child was one of dim uncertain horror . 困惱著這孩子的感情乃是一種虛無縹緲的恐怖。