
horrible adj.1.可怕的,令人毛骨悚然的。2.〔口語〕討厭的,...


? ? when this horrible guy grabbed me in the parking lot 有一個家伙在停車場襲擊我

Whenever we ' re about to do something truly horrible , 只要我們談到實為可惡的事情

From this horrible affliction called “ jet lag “ 一種可怕的痛苦稱作“時差反應”

Doesn ' t sound that great . that sounds horrible 你覺得那樣很好嗎?我覺得很可怕

This time , you get a horrible error message 這回,您得到了一個可怕的錯誤消息。

Just when i was all set to really start stashing it away, they had to manufacture fascism and start a war horrible enough to affect even me . 我正準備好好積攢些錢,他們偏偏弄出個法西斯主義,發動了一場極其可怕的戰爭,連我也受到了影響。

The wide-eyed glittery look he gives bred jaserow above his mask is more horrible than the dead girl's face . 他瞪了班瑞爾杰羅斯特一眼,口罩上邊露出的睜得大大的炯炯發光的雙眼比死女孩的臉更可怕。

Her horrible isolation of secrecy in a world amiable in unsuspentingness, frightened her . 在不知底細的和藹可親的世界中,只有她一個人知道她的可怕秘密。這種孤立無援的境地使她膽戰心驚。

What if, by some fate or deadlier chance, eyes other than his spied behind and saw the horrible change ? 如果由于機緣或是更可怕的意外,讓別人的眼睛察覺了這個嚇人的變化,又怎么辦呢?

And to think that a young man of his years and opportunities would stoop to such a horrible trick as that ! 試想,象他這樣年紀、這樣有前途的年輕人,竟然會甘心干出這類駭人聽聞的事!

Frank too wakened up from the delightful midsummer dream to the horrible reality of his own pain . 費朗克也從快樂的仲夏夜之夢中醒來,回到了自己那痛苦而恐怖的現實中。

These horrible events have darkened the pages of european history with an indelible strain . 這些可怕的事件在歐洲的史冊上留下了黑暗的記載,給它抹上了無法洗刷的污點。

From some of the bars came the sound of horrible laughter. in others, drunkards brawled and screamed . 有的酒吧里傳來嚇人的狂叫。另一些酒吧里,醉漢在吵鬧和尖叫。

His smiles, his forgiveness, his sometimes pleasant jesting were all a horrible offence . 他的微笑、他的饒恕、他那有時有趣的俏皮話,完全是一種可怕的進攻。

I'm not that mean, despicable, cowardly, lewd creature that horrible little man sees . 我可不是那個令人惡心的小人所見到的下流、可恥、懦弱、淫穢的家伙。

I looked all round for the horrible young man and could see no signs of him . 我拼命地四下尋找那個兇神惡煞似的小伙子,可是連個影子也沒看到。

There was something horrible about that house and those two people who lived in it . 這棟房子和住在屋子里的兩個人,都有點令人毛骨悚然。

His wife was shrill, languid, handsome and horrible . 他老婆長得倒挺標致,不過樣子懶洋洋的,沒有精神,說起話來尖聲尖氣,讓人覺得討厭。

It was horrible to think that he loved her and that she must continually distress him . 想到他愛她,而她必須不斷地使他失望,真是可怕!