
horrendous adj.可怕的。adv.-ly


To those who say torture is acceptable in cases of the “ ticking time - bomb ” , ie , to prevent a horrendous terrorist attack , he asks why we did not resort to torture during the cold war to learn what the soviet union was up to , at a time when the world seemed to hover on the brink of nuclear annihilation 有些人說為了防范“定時炸彈” (也就是為了防止恐怖分子發動恐怖襲擊)而進行拷問并不為過,對此他則反問道,冷戰時期全世界都面臨核毀滅的威脅,那時候美國人為何不采用拷問的方式來獲知蘇聯到底在干什么呢?

The problems of ethnicity around the world have not abated with the progress of human civilisation and society , but have exacerbated instead . news stories of genocidal revenge killings are sending chills down our spines . horrendous ethnic killings have been occurring with regularity in our neighbouring country , separated from us by only a body of water 君不見世界各個角落所存在的種族問題不但沒有因文明社會的進步而有所改善,反而有越演越烈之勢,相互殘殺報復的滅族事件此起彼落,教人聞之不禁膽顫齒寒。

Being young , the winky one also went home with the young player of the year award , the first person to do the double in this area since andy gray shrugged of a truly horrendous hairstyle to take both the awards in 1977 , back in the days when the ceremony was lit by oil lamps and the players pitched up on horse back 因為是年輕球員,所以還捧回了最佳青年球員獎,是自安迪格雷后第一個在此領域獲得雙項獎的球員,留著一頭尤為恐怖的發型的安迪格雷,在1977年拿過這兩項獎,當時的頒獎典禮現場還是用煤油燈點亮的,球員是騎在馬背上的。

The good : well - developed cast of characters keeps the story interesting ; lengthy campaign will keep you busy for 40 hours or more ; good music ( other than the horrendous title song ) ; bright , colorful environments and detailed , if rather garish , character design 優點:經過精心設計和開發的角色陣容保證了故事的趣味性;漫長的戰役能讓你花掉40小時甚至更多的時間;好聽的音樂(除了那可怕標題歌曲以外) ;明亮、絢麗多彩甚至可能有點過于鮮艷奪目的環境和細節,還有人物設定。

Wednesday , september 1 , 2004 was supposed to be a normal first day of school at middle school number one in beslan , north ossetia , russia , but it turned into a horrendous one for many children , their parents , other family members and the staff when a group of extremists stormed into the school s grounds and forced approximately 1 , 200 people into its tiny gymnasium 2004年9月1日星期三,原是俄羅斯聯邦北奧塞提共和國north ossetia貝斯蘭地區第一中學的正常開學日,不料卻有一群武裝份子襲擊校園,在一座比籃球場大一點的體育館里挾持了約1200名人質,讓許多孩童家屬及教職員經歷了一場不幸的災難。

You have heard that the us administration is kidnapping its presumed opponents from across the globe and arbitrarily holding them without trial or any international supervision in horrendous prisons that it has established in various parts of the world 你們聽說了美國的管理不斷在全球綁架他假想的對手,在沒有審判或者任何國際監督的情況下任意的將他們拘禁在可怕的監獄里,這些監獄在世界上已經建起多處。

Is then global warming ? a steady rise in the temperature of the earth to where the polar ice caps melt , oceans rise 23 feet , cities sink into the sea and horrendous hurricanes devastate the land ? an imminent and mortal danger 接下來就是, “全球變暖” ,隨著地球溫度的穩步升高,導致極地的冰塊的融解,海平面將上升23英尺,城市紛紛沉入大海,駭人的颶風在大地肆虐橫行, - - -人類不是危在旦夕么?

And also , most important are those people who are carrying out this kind of work know that they are doing something illegal in the first place and secondly , the damage they do to the environment is horrendous 我們已從這兩方面手進行,一是警方;一是地政署。另外,我們要向市民說明這是一項嚴重罪行,我們是絕不手軟的。

Right now , there is just this moment the horrendous natural disaster down in central america , and in middle america , in the midwest . and it s always something . so , how do we deal with all this 我們都有著同樣的問題現在,就在此時,在中美洲在美國中西部正遭逢可怕的天災,世界總是不斷有事情發生,我們要如何處理呢

Joanne : well , that ' s true . some children would probably have to get up a little earlier . but the cost of keeping the school open would be horrendous 瓊:這個嘛,您說得沒錯,有些學童大有可能因此而早起趕車。不過,要繼續經營這個學校,所需要的開銷,可是一筆相當驚人的數字呢。

After an epic battle lasting many days and nights , she finally slays the horrendous beast , and great justice and everlasting peace are victorious once more 在曠日以久的史詩般的戰斗后,觀鈴終于將惡獸斬于馬下(敵將,一取討! ) !再度說明最高的正義和永久的和平不可戰勝!

While one aspect of me was busy fantasizing horrendous scenes of rape and murder , a clear , quiet space opened inside that was intrigued by this new possibility 當我腦海里一方面不停地想象著可怕的強奸和謀殺景象,一個新想法卻在另一面打開了一片寧靜而清新的天地。

Speaking of safety ; that ' s one of the amazing things about those modern racing cars ; the way some of the drivers walk away from some horrendous crashes 說到安全,現代賽車的質量真是讓人驚嘆,看看那些賽車在撞得面目全非了之后,賽車手依然能好好地走出來!

A primate often found on the fringes of the england team . it ' s horrendous facial structure has excluded it from acceptance within his community 一種經常在英格蘭國家隊邊緣出沒的靈長類動物。他恐怖的面部構造使他和他的群落都遭到拒絕。

United were suffering from horrendous injury problems at the time , with gary neville , gabriel heinze and roy keane all out of action 在那段時期曼聯隊內面臨著十分嚴重的傷病問題,包括加里、海因茲以及基恩都無法上場。

The risk of death was extreme , and the losses were horrendous : more than 10 , 000 casualties , including 3 , 598 killed 他們頂著極大的生命危險,并為此付出了巨大的代價:傷亡超過10 , 000 ,包括3 , 598士兵付出生命。

His goal ? that when he and his staff leave for the day , no one can tell something horrendous has occurred 他的目標(成果) ?就是當他和下屬離開幾天后,沒人能看出現場發生過可怕的事情。

Every time he does something horrendous , think how much you will enjoy retelling the anecdote later on 每當他做出一些可怕的事情,就想一想你隨后講述這段軼事的時候將是多么有趣。

Also known as the absolutely horrendous first overall pick by mj when he was gm for the wizards 大家都知道布朗是喬丹當奇才總經理時選的水貨狀元。