
hornrimmed adj.(眼鏡)角質架的。


The immediate news of kennedy ' s death came for most via television ; i ' m old enough to remember that heartbreaking moment when walter cronkite put on his hornrimmed glasses to glance at a message from dallas and then , blinking back tears , told his viewers that their leader was gone 肯尼迪死亡的即時消息基本上是通過電視傳播開來的;那時我已懂事,依然記得沃爾特.克農凱特戴上邊角眼鏡來閱讀來自達拉斯的那條消息,然后強忍著淚水告訴他的觀眾? ?領袖已經逝去的悲痛時刻。

An ancient hagadah book in which a pair of hornrimmed convex spectacles inserted marked the passage of thanksgiving in the ritual prayers for pessach passover : a photocard of the queen s hotel , ennis , proprietor , rudolph bloom : an envelope addressed to my dear son leopold 一張照片明信片,畫面上是魯道爾夫布盧姆所開的恩尼斯鎮皇后飯店312 。一個信封,收信人是:我親愛的兒子利奧波德313啟。