
horae n.〔pl.〕【希臘神話】(掌管季節時序的)季節三女神。


Based on the model of safe following distance , the design blue print of system is presented in the text . using the multiple impulses horae rotate speed sensor to measure the vehicle speed and nanometer radar to measure the distance of own vehicle to frontal vehicle , and analyzing and judging collected information by at89c51 which is the control centre of the system 本文在安全跟車模型的基礎上,提出了系統方案:采用霍爾多脈沖轉速傳感器測量汽車的速度,毫米波雷達測量兩車的距離和相對速度,利用at89c51作為信息采集單元的控制中心,對各種信息進行分析判斷,當行車距離小于報警距離時啟動相關的報警單元。