
hopscotch 小兒(獨腳)跳踢石子的游戲,“造房子”游戲,“踢房子”游...


The $ 5 stamp shows a hopscotch grid . hopscotch is a game that requires a sound coordination of eyes , hands , and legs . just take a look at the grid that children draw and the way they play the game , you have to admire their vigour and creativity $ 5郵票上展示的是“跳飛機” :一種講求“眼到” 、 “手到” 、腳到”的游戲,加上不拘一格的“停機坪” ,令人不得不佩服于小朋友的無限創意、無窮精力。

The most common subject matters among the entries are classic games like scissors - paper - rock , hopscotch , chess games and bubble blowing , which every one of us must be indulged in when we were kids 當中不少作品的選材都是一些歷久常新的玩意,例如“包剪錘” 、跳飛機、捉棋、吹肥皂泡等等。這些玩具和游戲我肯定在場每一位朋友包括你和我在小時候都一定樂此不疲。

With careful tread he passed over a hopscotch court with its forgotten pickeystone 他小心翼翼地踱過“跳房子”游戲的場地,上面還有遺忘下的跳石子兒。

The children squared off the sidewalk to play hopscotch 孩子們在人行道上劃出方格,做“造房子”的游戲。

The children squared off the sidewalk to play hopscotch 孩子們在人行道上劃出方格,做“造房子“的游戲。

He created hip - hopscotch records , 他創辦嘻哈蘇格蘭唱片公司

Just remember , when you want to come back , say “ hopscotch . 記住!想回來時,就念咒語: “跳房子”