
hooligan n.〔俚語〕阿飛,無賴,小流氓。n.-ism 無賴行為,...


He said the “ hooligans “ abused patrons , chanted obscenities , ripped down posters and knocked over cardboard figures advertising films “這群小流氓辱罵贊助商,詆毀圣歌,撕毀海報并推倒電影廣告牌。 ”

He said the “ hooligans “ abused patrons , chanted obscenities , ripped down posters and knocked over cardboard figures advertising films 他說這群小流氓侮辱顧客,猥褻圣歌,撕掉海報,打翻電影的宣傳牌。

He said the “ hooligans “ abused patrons , chanted obscenities , ripped down posters and knocked over cardboard figures advertising films 這些小流氓辱罵顧客,褻瀆圣歌,撕調海報,推倒了電影的廣告牌。

He said the “ hooligans “ abused patrons , chanted obscenities , ripped down posters and knocked over cardboard figures advertising films 這些小流氓辱罵贊助人,哼著淫調,撕爛海報,打翻電影廣告牌。

In an effort to price out football hooligans , most saturday concessionary fares are being ended 為了向足球流氓收取使他們望而卻步的高價,大多數的星期六優惠票價正陸續取消。

Introduction : having live ammunition to the hooligans in line between life and death , try to hurry 赤手空拳對真槍實彈的流氓,生死存亡在一線之間,快來試試吧!

Introduction : players just play a martial artist , cleared the street hooligans , a quiet world 玩家扮演一個正義的功夫高手,掃清街頭的流氓,還世界一個清靜。

It ' s time for a football hooligans and fans . . . take your ball and let ' s show them who is really cool 足球流氓和球迷的時間來到了,拿起你的球,去比比誰最酷

Kaiser , maybe you are one of those typical british hooligans and so i understand your answer 也許你就是那些典型的英國流浪其中之一,所以我理解你的回答。

Dear friend , this your speech about friends or enemies is mad like the hooligans brain 親愛的朋友,你的關于朋友或敵人的言論太愚蠢了,簡直就是流氓思維。

That damn li ming is such a hooligan . he ' s been a troublemaker in this town for years 那個討厭的李明是個無賴。這么多年來,他在這個鎮上制造了很多麻煩!

Having live ammunition to the hooligans in line between life and death , try to hurry 赤手空拳對真槍實彈的流氓,生死存亡在一線之間,快來試試吧!

Club - wielding hooligans charged a crowd of lawyers gathered at karachi ' s high courts 揮舞著大棒的暴徒沖進了聚集在卡拉奇高等法院的一群律師之中。

Players just play a martial artist , cleared the street hooligans , a quiet world 玩家扮演一個正義的功夫高手,掃清街頭的流氓,還世界一個清靜。

In her article , the war protesters were unfairly bracketed with football hooligans 在她的文章中,不公平地把戰爭抗議者與足球鬧事者相提并論。

I don ' t see any differences between street hooligans and you in terms of personality 就人格而言,我看不出你和街頭混混有多大差別。

The young ruffian [ hooligan ] was advancing upon him , with a whip swinging in his hand 小流氓朝他步步緊逼,手里搖晃著一條鞭子。

A review on hooligan culture 流氓文化述評

Zhan qilun the hooligan soldier 流氓軍人詹啟綸