
hook n.1.鉤;鐵鉤;吊鉤(=pothook);針鉤;鐮刀;...

hook and eye

Railway transport equipment - coupling hooks of 1 mn 鐵路運輸設備. 1mn連接掛鉤

Demonstrates the c run - time debugging hook functions 說明c運行時調試掛鉤函數。

A small one took the hook on his stern line 一條小金槍魚咬住了他艉纜上的魚鉤。

- yeah , the field ' s clear . - okay , hook up with us -他們不在這兒-過來跟我們會合

The curtain hooks run along a slot in the curtain rail 窗簾的吊鉤可沿軌槽滑動

Lifting appliances . shank hook made of alloyed steel 提升設備.合金鋼制的桿吊鉤

This new dude was supposed to hook me up - - 一個新的家伙卻愿意給我提供優惠條件。

With her dark eyes and her hook nose warily in advance of her, mrs. sparsit softly crushed her way through the thick undergrowth . 斯巴塞太太留神地把她那對黑眼睛向前盯著,把那個鉤鼻子向前伸著,輕輕地在那密密匝匝的亂叢棵子里躡手躡腳地擠了過去。

There was no part of the hook that a great fish could feel which was not sweet-smelling and good-tasting . 無論釣鉤的哪一部分,凡是能給大魚碰到的,都是香噴噴的,挺有滋味的。

She brought the hook to the wheelchair, snapped it through a steel eye, then returned to the winch . 她拿著鐵鉤走到輪椅跟前,喀嚓一聲把它扣在一個鐵孔上,然后回到絞車跟前。

As soon as i baited up and dropped in again i hooked another and brought him in the same way . 我裝上魚餌,把釣絲又拋到水里,馬上又釣到一條,我用同樣的方法把它拉上來。

The man who is obsessed with his job is just as hooked as the alcoholic, the junkie, or the compulsive gambler . 被工作迷了心竅的人和酒鬼,吸毒者或慣賭都一樣癮頭很大。

The man who is obsessed with his job is just as hooked as the alcoholic, the junkie, or the compulsive gambler . 被工作迷了心竅的人和酒鬼,吸毒者或慣賭一樣癮頭都很大。

But after that each jump can widen the opening of the hook wound and he can throw the hook . 但是之后每跳一次就會把鉤在嘴上的口子加寬一些,最后它就可以把鉤子甩掉。

Two of his baits were fresh tunas the boy had given him, as well as sardines to cover his hooks . 他的兩個魚餌是孩子給他的鮮金槍魚,還有把魚鉤遮蓋起來的沙丁魚。

It feels as if your flesh were being torn, it's like sharp hooks dragged through your entrails . 那感覺就象你的肉體被撕裂,好象一只鉤子劃破了你的內臟。

She closes the door on him, goes to get her purse and a sweater off a hook in the hall . 她關上門,把他關在門外頭,從過道的衣鉤上取下錢包和一件毛衣。

Simply pulling the wound edges together with skin hooks reproduces the ultimate deformity . 如用皮膚鉤簡單地把傷口邊緣拉在一起,即可產生最終的畸形。

She was winning easily , but then she started to get careless and let her opponent off the hook . 她贏得很順利,可是跟著就大意起來了,對手轉憂為喜。