
hoodlum n.〔美俚〕強盜,流氓,惡棍,阿飛。n.-ism


And while arthur took up the tale , for the twentieth time , of his adventure with the drunken hoodlums on the ferry - boat and of how martin eden had rushed in and rescued him , that individual , with frowning brows , meditated upon the fool he had made of himself , and wrestled more determinedly with the problem of how he should conduct himself toward these people 這時亞瑟第二十次談起了他在渡船上跟那幫醉醺醺的流氓之間的糾紛他談到馬丁伊登如何沖入重圍解救了他。這時馬丁伊登卻皺緊了眉頭在想著自己那副傻相,更堅決地思考著該對他們采取什么態度。

The “ antihoodlum “ law of 1985 was a departure from international standards of due process in that it included a secret witness system that allowed police to conduct “ sweeps “ of suspected “ hoodlums “ and to use the testimony of unidentified informants in detaining the suspects 仔細考量我們外交政策的現況,我的感覺跟從事實務者一樣,我想各位多半也是如此在擔任外交官卅一年后,我已經習于從今天我們怎么做的角度來看外交政策。

Lawyers for the alleged hoodlums were not permitted to cross - examine these informants . while defense lawyers have been given the right to examine documentary evidence , critics charge that evidence in these cases was often weak or fabricated 今天下午我打算先談一談對后冷戰世界及國內外交政策環境的一些觀察所得,然后根據這些來討論由俄羅斯、中國及波士尼亞所帶來的政策困境。

And often , at such times , he would abruptly see slouch in among the company a young hoodlum in square - cut coat and under a stiff - rim stetson hat . it happened to him at the gallina society in oakland one afternoon 在這樣的時刻他便常常突然看見一個身穿方襟短外衣頭戴斯泰森硬檐闊邊帽的年輕流氓從人群中搖搖擺擺地走了出來。

Martin eden , the famous writer , was a vapor that had arisen in the mob - mind and by the mob - mind had been thrust into the corporeal being of mart eden , the hoodlum and sailor . but it couldn t fool him 可那著名的作家馬丁伊登卻是從群氓心理產生的一團迷霧,是由群氓心理硬塞進流氓和水手馬伊登的臭皮囊里去的。

As he rose from his chair and stepped forward across the platform , he saw stalk through the wide door at the rear of the great room the young hoodlum with the square - cut coat and stiff - rim hat 他看見那年輕的流氓從巨大的廳堂后面的大門口神氣十足地走了進來,身穿方襟短外衣,頭戴硬檐闊邊帽。

He befriends hoodlums and learns the way of the switchblade , when a turn of events forces him to learn that honorable heroes survive by making an honest living 隨后細路祥與飛刀李等流氓為伍,漸漸學壞成為小惡棍,令何大叔傷心不已。后來得女工呂薇勸諭,才重新做人。

Martin watched him and saw the stiff - rim , the square - cut , double - breasted coat and the swaggering shoulders , of the youthful hoodlum who had once been he 馬丁望著他,看見了那硬檐帽,方襟雙排扣短外衣和大搖大擺的肩頭,他看見了那個流氓,當年的他。

This figure , of the corner hoodlum , he saw merge into himself , sitting and talking with an actual university professor 他看見那街角的流氓的形象跟自己合而為一,正跟一個貨真價實的大學教授并坐交談。

If i weren ' t going to he a dancer , he once said , i would have been a teenage hoodlum 有一次他說: “如果我當不成一名舞蹈演員,我很可能會變成一個少年阿飛。 ”

Mart eden , the hoodlum , and mart eden , the sailor , had been real , had been he ; but martin eden 流氓馬伊登和水手馬伊登是真實的,那就是他。

He ' s a hoodlum 是個混混

If discussed the love is discussed the love the speech , that is notplays the hoodlum 如果談戀愛就是談戀愛的話,那不是耍流氓嗎?

That bunch of hoodlums was lookin for trouble , an arthur wasn t botherin em none 那幫無賴是在找碴兒鬧事,亞瑟可沒有惹他們。

Hoodlums in a speeding car bumped him off with tommy guns 一群暴徒從一輛急駛的汽車上用手提機槍將他打死了。

You hoodlums better bring my wig back ! i know it was you 你們這幫惡棍最好把我的假發帶走,我知道是你

The hoodlum stabbed at me with a dagger 小流氓用匕首向我刺來。

I heard my brother got mixed up with some hoodlums 我聽說我兄弟好像和一些黑社會有聯系

And traveling with a hoodlum named arbal 還有,她和一個叫阿巴拉的混混一起旅行