
honour n.1.榮譽,光榮;名譽,面子,體面。2.節操,廉恥,正...

honour bound

Honour makes a great part of the reward of all honourable professions . 對于一切尊貴職業榮譽可以說是報酬的大部分。

Nevertheless, my name will be remembered, and men will honour me . 盡管如此,我的名字總會有人記得,人們會尊敬我。

Honouring the contract and keeping one's word are the basis of good business . 重合同,守信用是生意興隆的基礎。

I should be undeserving of the confidence you have honoured me with . 您使我榮幸地得到了信任,我實在有愧于此。

Eugenie turned her head aside, for her high sense of honour reproached her . 歐珍妮轉過頭去,良心在責備她。

Vain men delight in telling what honours have been done them . 愛虛榮的人津津樂道于講述他們取得何種榮譽。

Some gentlemen seem to have considered it as a point of honour . 有幾位先生似乎把這看成是有關榮譽的問題。

Madame curie named it polonium in honour of her native country . 居里夫人將它命名為釙,以紀念她的祖國。

It 's an honour for a mother like me to see my son do a meritorious deed . 兒子立功,做娘的臉上也好看。

And if a draft isn't honoured when it's due, what happens ? 那么如果一張匯票到期了,而未付款,怎么辦?

It would strip your honour from you, and leave you naked . 那就會叫你完全喪失人格,叫你再也沒臉見人。

Any other solution was an insult to his military honour . 任何其他解決辦法都是對他的軍人尊嚴的冒犯。

He lives and dies for the honour of his particular god . 他為他所供奉的那個神的榮譽而生,為它而死。

He met the foreign friends and gave a banquet in their honour . 他遇到外國朋友,并設宴招待了他們。

I've the honour to inform mademoiselle that lunch is upon the table . 啟稟小姐,午餐已經準備好。

In those days many men went away to win honour and glory . 那時很多人曾出去爭取榮譽和建立功勛。

I honour your gallantry . 我佩服你的豪俠。

The honours rest with him . 他獲得很大成功。

Willoughby pattern is a man of unimpeachable honour . 威洛比帕忒恩是個無可指責的高尚的人。