
honorarium n.(pl. honorariums, -raria )...


Iv . the committee reviews all applications in september and issues honorarium to applicants awarded distinction , excellent and good , on the basis of submittted documents 四、全校英語教育實施獎勵委員會于每年九月審核由各系提供之相關資料,綜合評選特優、優等、甲等數名(由委員會討論決定)發予獎勵金。

Professor hsiao has demonstrated his support for this activity by contributing an honorarium for each lecture . it is not much ; nonetheless , it indicates his moral support for this academic study 蕭主持人也對這個活動非常的支持,所以他也提供演講費用,雖然很微薄,不過,表示在事實上在道義上以及學術上的支持。

During the second stage review , the administration wing would be required to examine whether there were justifications for paying an honorarium attendance allowance to non - official members of council 在進行第二階段檢討時,行政署并須研究有否理據向本局非公職成員支付酬金出勤津貼。

We will be presenting this honorarium to supreme master ching hai for her lecture . note : master immediately contributed the honorarium back to the convener 所以今天的微薄的演講費,我們當然就要提供給清海無上師注:清海無上師當天當場還贈演講費給主辦單位。

Us $ 3 , 000 , donation from red hat for cwmc 2006 , obtained by jimbo in lieu of his honorarium for speaking at another conference ; rounded down to the nearest hk $ 1 , 000 吉米以另場會議的個人講費換取紅帽公司對中文年會贊助;退位至最近的1000港元。

The consumer price index ( a ) ( cpi ( a ) ) be used as the basis for the annual adjustment of the honorarium and accountable allowance ( aa ) for dc members ; and 采用甲類消費物價指數作為每年調整區議員酬金和實報實銷津貼的基準;及( b )

The consumer price index cpi be used as the basis for the annual adjustment of the honorarium and accountable allowance for dc members ; and A采用甲類消費物價指數作為每年調整區議員酬金和實報實銷津貼的基準及b

If you wish to share your creative experience and help promote art education , please join us . an honorarium will be paid for the services provided 若你想與人分享創作的樂趣和推動藝術教育,請參與我們的行列。

But how could we afford someone of his stature ? “ my honorarium , ” he told me , “ is to see feynman ' s van 但是,我們如何支付這位高人的演講費用?我的酬勞,他告訴我?是要看看費曼的箱型車。

Conducting a minimum of 10 docent sessions each at around one and a half hours with the receipt of an honorarium 全年出席不少于10節導賞服務(每節約1小時30分) ,每次可獲車馬費。

And the views of eastern district council on the functions of dc and honorarium and allowance for dc members ,以及東區區議會議員就區議會的職能及區議員的酬金和津貼所提出的意見。

Since the honorarium they had offered was three hundred and fifty dollars , martin thought it not worth while to telegraph 他們提出的稿酬是三百五十元,馬丁覺得已經不必再電告了。

If our honorarium is unsatisfactory , kindly telegraph us at once and state what you consider a fair price . 本刊薄酬若不當意,請即電告,并提出先生以為恰當之數。 ”

We can discuss my honorarium 我們可以在今晚用餐喝香檳時