
honesty n.1.老實;誠實;公正。2.〔古語〕貞節;廉恥。3.【...


This vicious assumption of honesty and dishonestya vice so dangerous, so deadly, and so common-seemed, a little to impress her in his favour . 這種缺德的假話,以不誠實為誠實,這是一種非常危險、非常致命、但也是一種很普遍的壞毛病仿佛使得她對于他有點好感了。

Tradition, habit, education, inherited aptitude, native caution, all joined to form a solid professional honesty . 傳統、習慣、教育、遺傳的干練,生性的謹慎,這一切都合起來形成一種不折不扣的職業誠實。

I am sorry to have to refer to this, but i believe that you will appreciate my honesty in giving you the true reason . 提起這一點,實在很對不起,不過我相信,我老老實實說出真正原因,你是不會見怪的。

If men are not absolutely honest themselves they at least wish for and have faith in the honesty of others . 即使人們自己并不絕對誠實,他們卻至少希望和相信別人的誠實。

It offended his honesty to trade on the faith of the patients he treated when he had no faith in himself . 他對自己都沒有信心卻要利用患者的信心,這又使他感到不誠實。

The honesty of partridge was equal to his understanding and both dealt only in small matters . 巴特里奇的誠實和他的理解力不相上下,這二者都專用在小事情上。

It is greatly to your credit that you gave back the money you found ; your honesty does you credit . 你拾金不昧是非常難能可貴的;你很誠實,應該受表揚。

A strict honesty and an even, regular behavior are in themselves obstacles to him . 他一個人卻盡在那里干板正直、循規蹈矩做人,前途自然障礙重重。

He would be happy if it cost all honesty of statement, all abandonment of truth . 他還是會得意洋洋,哪怕它的代價是彌天大謊,放棄全部真理。

Where is the question then, as to his right or his honesty in this matter ? 那么,他在這事情上的公正或者老實,還有什么問題呢?

The capitalist told them not to be insolent, and spoke to them about honesty . 資本家告訴他們休得蠻橫無理,叫他們老實一點。

You would soon find it out if i had not the honesty to confess it . 要是我不老老實實地承認這一點,那你很快也會覺察出來的。

One aspect of his enduring strength can be described, simply, as honesty . 他那持久的力量中有一方面可以簡單描述為誠懇。

I said to the manager , “ there is still some honesty in this world ! “ 我對經理說,“如今世界上還是有誠實的好人啊!”

Truth and honesty have their claims to be honored and exalted . 忠誠老實、光明磊落的人也應該獲得榮譽,受到尊敬。

Dickens said that “smartness“ was at the expense of honesty . 狄更斯說“精明”是受人欺騙之后得來的。

He is wanting in honesty . 他不老實。

Honesty is a virtue . 誠實是一種美德。

Honesty is the policy . 忠厚乃處世之本。