
honduran adj.洪都拉斯的;洪都拉斯人的;洪都拉斯文化的。n.洪...


With the help of the honduran and nicaraguan embassies in costa rica , the relief items were shipped by sea , air and land transport to the disaster areas in nicaragura and honduras 采買后,哥斯大黎加同修日夜幫忙打包,由宏都拉斯及尼加拉瓜大使館分別安排海空運及陸運將物品送達。

The herald november 1 , 1998 staying above water : hondurans crowd into makeshift tents to escape the flood waters at valle de sula , just outside san pedro sula 美國先峰報1998 . 11 . 1待在水面上:宏都拉斯圣貝多蘇拉外圍的蘇拉村民擠在臨時帳篷內躲避洪水。

Milan pipped inter in the race to sign striker david suazo and gilardino is pleased with the honduran ' s arrival 米蘭在蘇亞佐的轉會戰中擊敗了國際糜爛,吉拉很高興他的到來。