
homophone n.1.同音字母〔c 與 s, c 與 k等〕。2.同音...


There are patterns of bats homophone of blessing and happiness in mandarin , cranes symbolize longevity in chinese culture and clouds on these columns . the couplet read “ blessed the city when there is no wind and the river lays unruffled ; nourished the soldiers and civilians by the might of god and the rich resources from the river “ was written by the famous general wang , de - u of cing dynasty ,柱上刻有蝙蝠(取諧音福) 、鶴(取其長壽)及祥云圍繞,上面還刻有道光十六年丙申(西元一八三六年)水師提督王得祿敬撰的楹聯浪靜風平水陸均沾福澤,威靈赫渥軍民盡感慈庥。

The review of the research on < the chu bambooscripts of warring states in shanghai museum > includes connotation ( interpretation ) of ancient chinese characters ( key words , difficult words , characters adopted to represent homophones and so on ) , the author and the topics of the articles , the sequences of bambooscipts and the compilation , the relations between the chu bambooscripts of warring states in shanghai museum and the documents 這部分從五個方面進行闡述,即:文字考釋(關鍵字、疑難字、假借字等) 、作者和篇題、簡序和編聯、與典籍的關系、上博簡的價值等。

Some eye - movement studies have used homophones to demonstrate that the process of sounding out words mentally begins very rapidly after a reader ' s gaze first fixes on a particular word 有些追蹤眼球運動的研究,以異義同音字證明:閱讀者在心中默念書面文字的過程,是在讀者的眼睛注視到特定單字之后就迅速開始了。

Finally , it ' s worth pointing out that a wide range of language is covered . supplementary material is available for teaching homophones , prepositions , adjectives and idioms , as well as several word fields 最后,它的值得指出的一個廣泛的語言是蓋。補充材料,供教學同音,介詞,形容詞和成語,以及若干文字領域。

A simple analysis on the differences among conversion words and homophones , polysemants and flexible uses of words are made so as to confirm judge - standard of conversion words 通過兼類詞與同音詞、多義詞、詞的活用等語言現象之間區別的淺析,便可以初步確定兼類詞的判定標準。

The inhibition mechanism for resolving lexical ambiguity of two - syllabe homophones in chinese 漢語同音歧義詞歧義消解的過程及其抑制機制

Pseudo - homophone effects 同音假詞效應

Inhibitory processes in the recognition of homophone meanings in chinese 漢語同音異形詞意義識別中的抑制過程

Sentence prominence ' s function of disambiguity for chinese homophone 句子重音對漢語同音異義詞的解歧作用

When two words are identical in sound , they are homophones 兩個單詞在發音上相同時,叫同音異義詞。

A collection of homophone characters in the yanling regional dialect of hunan 湖南炎陵方言同音字匯

The homophone matching of cc under a graphic load 圖形負荷下的字音匹配加工