homonym n.1.同音異義詞〔如 bear 與 bare; 廣義的...
n. 1.同音異義詞〔如 bear 與 bare; 廣義的 homonym 包括狹義的 homophone 和 homograph〕;同形異義詞;同音同形異義詞。 2.異人同名。 3.【生物學】異物同名。 “junior homonym“ 中文翻譯: 次同名“metonymous homonym“ 中文翻譯: 后期同名“monadelphous homonym“ 中文翻譯: 復用屬名“perfect homonym“ 中文翻譯: 同形異義詞“primary homonym“ 中文翻譯: 原同名“secondary homonym“ 中文翻譯: 后同名“senior homonym“ 中文翻譯: 首同名“typonymous homonym“ 中文翻譯: 同模式異物同名“homonymic“ 中文翻譯: adj. 同音[同形]異義的;同名的;雙關的。 “homonyik“ 中文翻譯: 霍莫尼克“homonymity“ 中文翻譯: 同形同音現象“homonucleside“ 中文翻譯: 同型核苷“homonymous“ 中文翻譯: 雙關的; 同名的; 同向; 同音異義的“homonucleotide“ 中文翻譯: 同型核苷酸“homonymous astigmatism“ 中文翻譯: 同軸散光“homonucleoside“ 中文翻譯: 同型核苷“homonymous diplopia“ 中文翻譯: 同側性復視“homonuclear molecule“ 中文翻譯: 共核分子; 同核分子
homonymic |
An available name which either ( 1 ) is objectively invalid ( i . e . it is a junior homonym or a junior objective synonym of a potentially valid name , or must be rejected under the provisions of the code , or has been suppressed by the commission ) , or ( 2 ) is subjectively invalid ( because it is considered subjectively to be a junior synonym or to be inapplicable to a particular taxonomic taxon ) 一個適用名稱,如為( 1 )客觀地無效(亦即一個次異物同名,或一個可能有效名稱的次客觀同物異名,或為一個在本規約規定下必須被摒棄或已被委員會禁制的名稱) ,或( 2 )主觀地無效(因為在主觀上認為是一個次同物異名,或不能應用于一個特別的分類學分類單元者) 。 |
There are some visible improvements of the items of the perfect homonyms with multi - character in the contemporary chinese dictionary ( 5 edition ) which include : among multi - character words which share the same pronunciation and the same form in the 5 edition , only perfect homonyms have differentiation ; the differentiation and combination of the items of multi - character words more correspond with that of mono - character words ; the differentiation and combination of the compound words which consist of the same morphemes and have corresponding meanings are more consistent ; some of the improper differentiation and combination are corrected 摘要《現代漢語詞典》 (第5版)多字條目的分合改進顯著:在體例上將多字同音形條目的分立專屬同音形詞,多字條目的分合與單字條目更加對應,含有相同語素且意義對應的復合詞在條目分合上更加一致,某些不當分合得到訂正。 |
A common problem confronting banana taxonomists and horticulturist in selecting and utilizing is the homonym and synonym caused by different languages and dialects of different region ( country ) . the current system of classification and evolution route research of banana is suggested by simmonds and his co - workers in 1955 , which based on the morphological characters 品種間的同名異物和同物異名現象普遍,影響香蕉種質資源的評價與利用。香蕉的分類及進化途徑的研究主要依照基于形態學性狀的simmonds系統,分子標記在蕉類起源分類上的研究則主要集中在栽培品種,很少涉及到野生蕉。 |
In almost every kinds of language there are some interesting puns , consisting of homonym , polgsemy : some ofthem are not only a special kind of humor , but also a satre sometime . what ' s more , you can also learn many idioms in this part 幾乎每種語言都有許多有趣的雙關語,它們由同音異議詞或詞的多義,歧義組成.他們并不僅僅是一種特殊形式的幽默,有時還是一種諷刺,此外,在部分中,你還能學到很多的俗語。 |
Don ’ t wash your hair for the first three days of the new year , because the chinese word for hair is a homonym for the chinese word for wealth . therefore , chinese believe it isn ’ t a good thing to ‘ wash away your wealth ’ right at the start of the new year 在新年的前三天里不要洗頭,因為漢語里“頭發”的“發”和“發財”的“發”同音。因此,中國認為在新年伊始把財富給沖走可不是好兆頭。 |
It can be applied to such context that it can convey various information and raise our appreciating level without losing its logical meaning if we omit one of the homonyms in a sentence or between sentences 其具體運用就是,在句子中或句子間把字形或語義或語音相同且相連可重疊的詞語省略去其中一部分,而各種符合邏輯的意思卻并未消失,在閱讀理解時能分別體會出不同信息,增加欣賞的層次。 |
Upon the aflp data , the phillippine plantain “ saba “ was clustered into “ abb “ group . two homonyms were identificated ( xiaomijiao , 63 - 1 respectively ) . diaoluoaijiao and beida ' aijiao no . 2 are probably the same cultivar ( synonym ) 本研究結果把saba歸入abb群體;鑒別了兩組同名異物的品種(系) (小米蕉, 63 - 1 ) ;認為吊羅矮蕉,北大矮蕉2號兩者很可能是同一品種。 |
In china , the usual way of writing a character on a computer is to enter its pronunciation using roman letters , then choose from a list of possible options ( most characters have many homonyms ) 在中國,要將漢字寫入電腦,通常是用羅馬字母輸入漢字拼音,然后從提示字單選項(大多數漢字有許多同音異形字)中選擇所輸漢字。 |
In japan , one enterprising businessman has begun selling small gold lumps that look like human excrement ; because in japanese “ excrement ” is a homonym for “ luck ” 在日本,有個富于想象的生意人開始銷售看起來像人類糞便的小金塊,因為在日文中“糞便”和“好運”的發音相同。 |
This article explicates the similarities and differences between chinese homonyms and those of uighur through analyzing chinese homonyms uighur homonyms and the contrast of them 摘要對漢語、維語兼類詞和漢維語兼類詞進行了對比,分析了漢維語兼類詞的異同。 |
“ , but it is more monotonous to depict it as three suns , so i use the chinese homonym method and depicted sanyang “ : three suns as sanyang 系三個太陽比較簡單,我用華人的諧音法,陽諧羊不妨將三陽畫成三羊,因為原始文字大多出于象形字,象形字個個生動。 |
With reference to a name previously rejected as being a junior secondary homonym : to treat it as a valid name if the conditions of article 59 . 4 are met 關于一個以前因后次異物同名而被摒棄的名稱:如果符合第54條4的各項條件,即以有效名稱對待之。 |
Homonym is a word that is pronounced like another but which has a different meaning . the spellings are usually different , too . for example , write and right 同音異義詞指的是讀音相同而詞義卻相異的單詞。這些單詞拼寫通常也是不相同的。 |
Of two homonyms : the later established , or in the case of simultaneous establishment the one not given precedence under article 24 兩個異物同名:是指建立較遲的一個,或兩個為同時建立的情況,據第24條為未獲得優先地位的一個。 |
Stores sell rice cakes ( 糕 “ g o “ , a homonym for height 高 ) inserted with mini colorful flags to represent zhuyu 商店里賣的重陽糕( “糕”與“高”同音)里面放入小彩旗,用來代表茱萸。 |
The relationship between homonyms . ( 2 ) the state of being homonymous 異物同名之間的關系。 ( 2 )異物同名狀態。 |
The mutually synonymous character of homonyms in its evolution 形聲字孳乳演變進程中的轉注因素 |
Which is a homonym of the word for “ top “ 重陽節秋高氣爽,亦是登高遠足的好日子。 |