homograph n.同形異義詞,同形詞〔如 seal 為海豹,又為圖章〕...
n. 同形異義詞,同形詞〔如 seal 為海豹,又為圖章〕。 adj. -ic “idn homograph attack“ 中文翻譯: idn欺騙“homographic“ 中文翻譯: 對應的“homogranular“ 中文翻譯: 等粒的“homographic function“ 中文翻譯: 單應函數“homografting“ 中文翻譯: 同種移植; 同種組織移植“homographic solution“ 中文翻譯: 對應解“homograft valve“ 中文翻譯: 同種移植瓣膜“homographs“ 中文翻譯: 同形異義詞,同形詞“homograft secondary disease“ 中文翻譯: 同種移植繼發病“homography“ 中文翻譯: 單應性; 列線圖解法; 同形異義性“homograft rejection“ 中文翻譯: 同種移植排斥,同種移植排斥現象,同種移植相拒; 同種移植排斥現象
homoiothermal |
In this thesis , six topological characteristics and geometry characteristics are proposed that are invariant under affine transformations and axonometric projection . the definition of homograph is given based on these characteristics , and then the recognizing method of the homograph is proposed according to the definition of homograph at the same time 其次,根據仿射不變性提出了6個用來描述多邊形形狀的拓撲特征和幾何特征,這些特征在軸測投影下是不變的,以這些特征為約束條件給出了在軸測投影下類似形的定義。 |
Since the varies of gun attitude angle and the vertical vector of the homograph plane are one - to - one , all the elements of modulation gun can be transformed into the calculation of the vertical vector angle , which avoids the calculation accuracy loss of the traditional approach under the condition of the tiny attitude angle disturbance 由于火炮姿態角變化與相應平面的法向量是一一對應的,從而可將調炮諸元轉化為法向量夾角來計算,這樣可避免傳統方案在微小姿態角擾動情形下導致的計算精度可能的損失。 |
We introduce five topological characteristics and geometry characteristics that are invariant under projective transformation specially perspective projection . the definition of homograph is given by means of these characteristics , and then the recognizing method of the homograph is proposed according to the definition of homograph 接著,根據透視投影不變性提出了5個用來描述多邊形形狀的拓撲特征和幾何特征,這些特征在透視投影下是不變的,以這些特征給出了在透視投影下平面多邊形為類似形的定義。 |
In the new age , only those normative new meanings of old words have the opportunity to enter the static and normative lexical system and constitute new homophones and homographs by combining themselves with the existing basic vocabulary or general terms , or directly take on new meanings 在新時期,只有那些規范的舊詞新義才能及時地進入靜態的、規范的詞匯系統,與已有的一般詞或基本詞結合成新同音同形詞或成為已有的一般詞或基本詞的新義項。 |
The topological structure is introduced to analyze homograph qualitatively , the algorithm is robust and insensitive to noises of images . the geometrical structure is used to analyze homograph quantitatively , the fine discrimination between planar objects can be shown 該識別方法對類似形應用拓撲結構進行定性分析,對噪音不敏感;同時結合幾何結構對類似形進行定量分析,能反映平面立體形狀的細微差別。 |
Once a region of the line drawing and a surface of the planar object are homographs , the adjacent surfaces are following to be analyzed . repeat this processing until all surfaces of the planar object have been examined 任何平面立體都是若干個平面多邊形圍成的,平面多邊形的特性能惟一確定平面立體的特性,通過對平面多邊形的識別可以達到對整個平面立體的識別。 |
The obtained homographs can be employed to distinguish between surfaces with different characteristics , and to classify the surfaces of a planar object . regions in a line drawing and surfaces of an object are matched based on homographs 最后,提出了一種新的以面作為匹配基元從單幅軸測投影線圖和單幅透視投影線圖識別平面立體的方法。 |
A new algorithm is presented for recognizing planar objects from a line drawing under axonometric and perspective projections based on principle of homograph 基于類似形的定義給出了在透視投影下平面多邊形為類似形的識別算法。 |
The processing of chinese homographs in different tasks 實驗任務對漢語同形歧義詞加工過程的影響 |
The process of the disambiguity of homographs in chinese 漢語同形歧義詞歧義消解的過程 |
On different meanings of homographs in chinese and japanese 簡析日漢同形詞詞義差異 |