homespun adj. 家里紡的,家里做的;簡樸的,粗陋的;樸實的,平...
adj. 家里紡的,家里做的;簡樸的,粗陋的;樸實的,平凡的,不做作的。 2.n. 土布;手工紡織呢,手織大衣呢。 “homespun fabric“ 中文翻譯: 家里紡的布“homespun yarn“ 中文翻譯: 火姆司本紗“reversible homespun“ 中文翻譯: 雙面粗花呢“everlasting cotton homespun“ 中文翻譯: 【紡織;印染】耐用的手工棉織品。 “homespun remedies for minor ailments“ 中文翻譯: 一般小病的簡易療法“sensible homespun advice“ 中文翻譯: 明智而實際的勸告“homesite“ 中文翻譯: 住宅根據地“homesickness; nostalgia“ 中文翻譯: 鄉思“homesickness reminiscence“ 中文翻譯: 思家鉑懷舊“homestake“ 中文翻譯: 霍姆斯特克“homesickness“ 中文翻譯: 思家病,懷鄉病。 “homestake mining co“ 中文翻譯: 霍姆斯特克礦業公司“homesickne“ 中文翻譯: 懷鄉病
homesteader |
In recent years , chuangang strike out in another way from competitive market . aimed at the huge potential of international home - textile market , chuangang take the lead in developing and manufacturing goods for decorate and homespun , and also built sewing workshop 近幾年來,川岡公司瞄準國際家飾市場的巨大潛力,在市場競爭日趨激烈的情況下另辟蹊徑,率先開發和生產適用于家飾及家紡用途的系列產品,并建立了自己的家紡廠 |
In addition to containing the origins of the salient business practices echoed in vitale ' s 10 rings , barnum ' s wonderfully homespun advice included warnings to not spend more than you make , not to drink or smoke , and to seek out simple pleasures 里面除了講述引人注目的經商手法的原始由來,也就是維托說的十個魔力指環,還有巴納姆簡單明了的至理名言,包括不要入不敷出、不要喝酒抽煙,以及追求單純的樂趣等警語。 |
Garry marshall , who directed roberts in pretty woman and the runaway bride , described the actress as a blend of audrey hepburn , lucille ball and bambi . perhaps it is that mix of the vulnerable , the stylish and the homespun which makes her such a fans “ favourite 羅伯茨出演了加里馬歇爾執導的電影漂亮女人和逃跑新娘,他說羅伯茨身上聚集了奧黛麗赫本露西爾鮑爾和小鹿斑比的特點。 |
Football now is about nothing but money , and even arsenal supporters - as tight - knit and homespun a football community as any - can be heard saying they don ' t care where the money comes from as long as they can compete with chelsea 足球現在只是意味著金錢,甚至阿森納的支持者-一個比任何團體都團結的足球社區中-也會聽到他們不在乎錢是從哪里來的,只要能跟切爾西相比就行。 |
Rather than lecturing her supporters , she gave them cute , homespun encouragement : “ i want for every child born here what i wanted for my own children 她沒有對其支持者們進行說教,反而用討巧、質樸的故里話語激勵他們: “我要為這里出生的每一個孩子努力,就像我為我自己的孩子拼命一樣。 ” |
Shakespeare , in his tragedies , often includes a few short scenes where the antics and conversation of jesters , simpletons , or homespun wits provide comic relief 莎士比亞在他的悲劇中經常安排一些小丑、傻瓜或頭腦簡單的人物插科打諢,使觀眾得到片刻輕松的場面。 |
His eyes followed the high figure in homespun , beard and bicycle , a listening woman at his side . coming from the vegetarian . only weggebobbles and fruit 他目送著那位穿手織呢衣服163的高個子,以及他的胡子和那輛自行車,還有他身旁那仔細聆聽著的女人。 |
But it is not the first time that mr bush has raised eyebrows with his homespun choice of words to articulate pivotal moments in his presidency 而這樣的“語驚四座“早就不是第一次了。布什總統經常在某些重要場合讓聽眾為他笨拙的措辭大跌眼鏡。 |
These pretty countryfolk would lie . paris : the wellpleased pleaser . a tall figure in bearded homespun rose from shadow and unveiled its cooperative watch 身穿毛茸茸的家織布衣的高個子141從陰影里站起來,掀開了他從合作社頭來的懷表的蓋子。 |
Cut flowers , blooming plants , herbs , wreaths and swags with that farm - fresh look are a natural extension of this homespun decor 插花、開花植物、草本植物、花環和具有鄉村氣息的垂掛裝飾物自然而然成為這種樸素的裝飾格調的組成部分。 |
Xiuyan jade , produced by the world as “ jade homespun “ anshan city in liaoning province manchu autonomous county of xiuyan 岫巖玉,產自被世人譽為“玉鄉”的遼寧省鞍山市岫巖滿族自治縣。 |
Perhaps it is that mix of the vulnerable , the stylish and the homespun which makes her such a fans ' favourite 也許正是這種敏感、時尚和樸實的交融使她成為如此受影迷歡迎的女演員。 |
The book was eventually published and became a great success under the title highland homespun 這本書最后出版了,成了暢銷書,書名為《簡樸的高地》 。 |
Television programs with unsophisticated or homespun themes that comfort or provide solace 主題純真樸實,看了使人舒心或給人以慰藉的電視節目。 |
I have to think about it quite hard before i find its faux homespun style annoying 我也是頗費了一番功夫,才覺得這個故作樸素的詞面目可憎。 |
This is a homespun hat 這是一頂手織的帽子。 |
Homespun is a cloth of coarse weave 土布是一種織得粗糙的布。 |
Trial - production of homespun with sichuan mohair 四川馬海毛鋼花呢的試制 |