
homesickness 思家病,懷鄉病。


This paper quotes yu dafu , fei ming , shen congwen , and xiao hong as examples in the analysis , claiming that homesickness expressed by yu dafu manifests his shift from a confucian scholar to a celebrity in the academic circle , that the ideal homeland for fei ming is basically similar to , yet somewhat different from that for shen congwen , and that xiao hong began her long journey to her ideal homeland in the form of recalling her childhood 以郁達夫、廢名、沈從文、蕭紅為例進行論述,認為郁達夫的懷鄉體現著從儒子到名士的轉變;廢名、沈從文兩人回首鄉關時的理想家園同中有異;蕭紅則以向童年回眸的形式開始懷鄉之旅。

The features can be proved from four perspectives : firstly the beauty lying in passion and generosity in the ideal practice in life ; secondly the uniqueness and bleak scene of the deserted land in frontier fortress ; thirdly the beauty lying in the calmness and solemn and stirring scene when building the career ; and fourthly the gracefulness and human nature in the homesickness in frontier fortress 從四個層面分析了崇高特征:在人生理想實現中的投筆從戎的慷慨、激越美;在邊塞生活中雪原大漠的奇特、蕭瑟美;在建功事業中的穿越異域的從容、悲壯美;在現實悲愴中思鄉戀土的人性、豪邁美。

Huck , being uncommitted as yet , joined in with tom , and the waverer quickly “ explained , “ and was glad to get out of the scrape with as little taint of chicken - hearted homesickness clinging to his garments as he could 尚未加盟的哈克現在站在了湯姆一邊。于是那個動搖分子馬上為自己“辯護” ,極力開脫自己,不想被膽小想家的毛病損害了自家形象。

In the coach , i always sat alone in a corner , enjoying my journey of light meditation and looking with homesickness at the vast sky in my heart . deep within , i constantly sent electric signals to communicate with master 每一上車總是喜愛一人獨坐,享受著觀光之行打坐,內心里面還是遙望天際想家,在內邊連續輕輕的傳達電波與師父交流著。

I followed the winter of cold wind angle of view i was marching alone , to express a person who was back away from his hometown with a feeling of homesickness , i was beginning to think the feeling and mood of germany 我緊隨冬日冷風的視角,獨自前行,抒發了一個人遠離家鄉故土的寂寥與一片思鄉之情,以表達我當時初到德國的感受和心情。

He was tucked away in the youth and nursery teams in the spanish second and third divisions for two seasons but the level of expectation and homesickness proved a double handicap to his progress 他先后被安排進皇馬少年隊[原意是托兒所]和青年隊在丙級和乙級比賽中踢了兩個賽季,但是期望和思鄉病成為了他進步的一個雙重阻礙。

This paper studies the influence of vagrancy and homesickness on du fu ' s poems in his later years and stresses du fu ' s idea of “ state comes first “ , which characterizes confucianism 杜甫以沉郁的客寓意識,飄零落拓之感,寄托了鄉國君民之思,體現了其思鄉詩“史性思維”與“詩性思維”的融合統一,實現了對傳統思鄉詩的超越。

Luis figo , cristiano ronaldo , seen here at a team practice in 2005 , and the rest of portugal ' s national team will be served healthy doses of chicken soup during the world cup in germany to ward off homesickness 路易斯菲戈,克里斯蒂亞諾羅納爾多以及葡萄牙國家隊的其他隊員在德國世界杯賽期間將喝到健康的雞湯。

Therefore , the moon then is capturing lovesickness and the nostalgia mind , is reducing the space and time distance , like this initiated since old times in january two places lovesickness and homesickness subject 因此,月亮便牽系著相思與鄉愁的心靈,縮短著時空的距離,這樣引發出自古一月兩地相思與思鄉的主題。

Most important of all , apart from their hometown and parents , students couldn ' t catch sight of any familiar face and have to suffer from homesickness , which can cause certain serious mental disease 更重要的是,離開了家鄉和父母,看不到任何熟悉的面孔,他們不得不忍受思家之苦,這可能會導致嚴重的精神疾病。

This paper , based on an analysis of his writings , shows that beyond the style of satire and criticism shi tuo ' s writings overflow with homesickness and great concern for people ' s life 而在批判和諷刺之上,師陀的創作有更基本的維度,這就是彌漫在作品中的綿綿不絕的鄉愁,以及由之對時間之流中生命的關懷。

As the authors of campus literature , college students mostly take love stories and homesickness as the motifs of their creative works , and regard the cyber writing as the trend towards campus literature 摘要高校學生作為校園文學作者,其創作多以愛情與鄉愁為主題,并以網絡寫作為時尚。

Hengyang “ gift boil “ that homesickness unit love home flavor flu and processing of fast , cost - saving measures such as increased market competition and risk - management capabilities 衡陽“小炒熬”那一股股思鄉戀家的味感和加工中的快捷、節省成本等舉措增加了市場競爭與抗經營風險能力。

An american tourist is equally excited when she spots the sign - this could be just the thing to help her get over the occasional twinge of homesickness 本文來自news . jewelove . net一位美國游客發現星巴克的標識后也非常激動,這正好可以幫助她克服一陣陣想家的感覺。

Much contemporaries being homesick throngs one kind of thick countryside affection homesickness saturates - one kind happy too sentimental either sentimental happy 想家時人擁一種太多太濃的鄉情鄉愁浸透-一種甜蜜的傷感亦或傷感的甜蜜

Among these was the famous “ revolutionary etude . “ plagued by poor health as well as his homesickness , chopin found solace in summer visits to the country 肖邦的健康狀況一直不佳,加上思鄉心切,一度患上肺病,曾在法國南部療養。

Zoo officials let the king penguins waddle around once a week in a bid to ease homesickness and the stress of being in captivity 園方每周會讓國王企鵝在園內搖搖晃晃地散步一次,希望能紓解企鵝被圈養后的思鄉之苦及壓力。

As a man who spent time during world war ii on a minuscule south pacific island , i recognized the symptoms of acute homesickness 二戰時我曾在南太平洋的一個小島上呆過,所以,我能聽出他極切地思念著家鄉。

His poetic content shows mainly on enjoyment of landscape , reposal of homesickness and loneliness and response for toast 少鶴詩歌的內容主要表現在流連山水形勝、寄托鄉思旅愁、酬唱應答等方面。