
homeroom (學校的)班級會議室〔點名,聽報告等的場所〕。


I am becky , a homeroom teacher in pyp 3 . i ' m very happy to have the opportunity to work in pyp , and to make new friends . i am full of enthusiasm , and i get along well with other people . i am a good listener and open to hearing the thoughts and opinions of other people 我向往成為一名小學老師,在大學里,我系統地對教育學、教學論、教育心理學、兒童心理學、小學數學教學原理和數學案例分析等專業課程進行了學習,具備了小學教育所必須具備的扎實的專業基礎知識,同時具有較好的英語聽、說、讀、寫能力。

Mr . au is a new homeroom teacher of form 5e , a class that has the lowest class average and is well known for its trouble - making trait in school . recognizing such notorious reputation , he uses his extraordinary method to teach and care for the students 問題學生云集的中五e班來了新班主任歐sir ,面對拍四級vcd的過氣富家女黑社會學生:過度倚賴的candy聰敏但反叛的may及其書呆子妹妹歐sir決不顧反對施其非常教學法。

Students will be given the care and love and instructed by homeroom teachers , academic teachers and care teachers entirely , completely , absolutely and definitely from every aspect such as : learning , living , moral , psychology , habits , etc 班主任、任課教師和生活老師從學習、生活、品德、心理、行為習慣等方面,全方位、立體型的關愛和指導。

If you have any questions , could you please choose 1 or 2 and write them down . please return it to your child ' s homeroom teacher on tuesday , october 16 如果您對數學有疑問,請選擇1到2個寫下來并讓您的孩子次日(周二)交于班主任手中,謝謝配合! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Many homeroom teachers have been trying their best to design activities related to their uoi learning and working closely with students 許多班主任都盡了最大的努力設計與uoi學習相關的活動,與學生親密無間地合作。

Both homeroom teachers in each class are responsible for co - teaching english , math , science , social studies and art 班主任(中英教師各1名)共同教學(英語、數學、自然常識、社會課、藝術) 。

Cho ' s former homeroom teacher was no longer working at the school and other teachers did not remember cho 趙以前的班主任老師也不在這所學校任教了,而其他老師都不記得這名學生。

Let ' s start homeroom 從每日情況匯報開始

Who ' s your homeroom teacher 你的老師是誰

Go to your homeroom teacher 去找你的班主任

I ' m their homeroom teacher 她們的班主任是我

Your homeroom and your name 你的宿舍和你的名字

It ' s jae - in ' s homeroom teacher 是才茵的年級老師

You ' re not even her homeroom teacher 再說你又不是她的班主任

Our homeroom will include language development lessons 我們每天的“總結整理課”包話語言發展課程。

I was her homeroom teacher but i couldn ' t do anything about it 我是她的班主任,但是對這事毫無辦法

Check in with your homeroom monitor each day 每天要向導師報到

Check in with your homeroom monitor each day . . . 每天要向導師報到

Cindy : but i have to go to my homeroom 辛蒂:但是我得去我的集合教室啊。