
homeostasis n.【生理】1.體內平衡,恒定性;穩定狀態。2.(社會群...


Protection against stress . velvet antler helps the body to maintain homeostasis against heat , cold , and electric shock . this has been linked to velvet antler ' s ability to decrease mast cell degranulation 保護應急能力:鹿茸具有幫助人體應對過熱,過冷,壓抑,氣候突變或電刺激維持體內平衡。這與鹿茸降低肥大細胞的降解有關,肥大細胞是人體主要免疫細胞。

One is the accumulation of the solute osmo - protectants , the other is the mechanisms of ion homeostasis including na + extrusion system and na + compartmentation into the vacuolar to reduce the toxic effects of this cation 一方面增加細胞內可溶性物質,另一方面則通過na ~ +外排或na ~ +區隔化機制來維持胞質內較低的na ~ +濃度,以消除na ~ +的毒害。

Therefore , one important strategy for plants to survive under salt stress is to re - establish the homeostasis in high salt environment . both ionic and osmotic homeostasis must be restored 因而植物對抗鹽脅迫的一個重要策略是在高鹽環境下重建體內的穩態( homeostasis ) ,包括重建離子穩態( ionichomeostasis )和滲透穩態( osmotichomeostasis ) 。

The second part , the approaches of the social development in the homeostasis from probability to realism are posed by profoundly the actors , contents , entities and reasonable mode ls of social control in 第二部分通過對社會控制的主體、內容、實體要素和合理模式的探討,研究并提出社會在穩態中發展的可能性向現實性轉化的路徑。

Having taken deep consideration of the problem that what social state is the best helpful to social development , this article provides social homeostasis and approaches of social development in the homeostasis 本論文在考察一個社會保持何種態勢最有益于其發展這一問題的過程中,提出了社會穩態概念,以及社會在穩態中發展的理路。

This structure results in the capillary wall that behaves as a continuous lipid bi - layer controlling the access of solutes and toxic substances to the central nervous system ( cns ) so as to maintain brain homeostasis 腦膜炎的發病率和致死率都很高,目前認為, e coli經血源播散人腦,但其如何穿過血腦屏障,迄今尚不清楚。

Salinity stress disrupts the homeostasis in water potential and ion distribution , results in osmotic and ionic stress in plants . it can arose growth arrest , and in some extreme conditions , even death of plants 鹽脅迫能夠破壞植物細胞的水勢均衡和離子均衡狀態,引起高滲脅迫和離子脅迫,使植物生長延滯,甚至死亡。

Land rearrangement was gotten regard widely by academe and government in our country , which currently mainly focused on land consolidation , especially on agrarian homeostasis , and inadequate to urban land rearrangement 但當前土地整理主要集中在農用地的整理上,側重于耕地的動態平衡,而對城市用地的整理還很不夠。

During the long - term evolution an integrated regulation system , which is highly conserved in eukaryotes from yeast to homo sapient , has developed to regulate copper transportation and homeostasis 在長期進化過程中真核生物形成了一套完整的銅轉運和穩態調節系統,從酵母到靈長類的各種生物都具有高度同源性的調控組件。

Originally labeled as an “ adaptogen “ , ginseng helps to increase resistance to stress and restore homeostasis . the efficacy of ginseng was known in the west by the 18th century , and the study of ginseng has a long history 醫學衷中參西錄: “西洋參,性涼而補,凡欲用人參而不受人參之溫補者,皆可以此代之。 ”

The team obsered significant decreases in glucose - insulin ratio and quantitatie insulin - sensitiity check index , and significant increases in baseline insulin and homeostasis model assessment 研究小組觀察發現,血糖-胰島素比率和定量胰島素敏感性檢測指數明顯下降,而基線胰島素和內環境穩態模型評估指數明顯升高。

When the environment condition of water changed or the chemical homeostasis was disturbed , corrosion and solution occured , and the travertine landscapes was rebuilt by conveying , scouring , and collapsing 當水環境條件改變或水化學動態平衡失調時,重溶蝕作用發生,搬運?沖刷?坍塌?重組形成新的鈣華堆積景觀。

A stressor is anything in the environment that knocks the body out of homeostasis , and the stress response is the array of physiological adaptations that ultimately reestablishes balance 所謂的壓力源,指的是使身體偏離恒定狀態的任何環境因子,而壓力反應則是一系列的生理適應,終究將重建身體的平衡狀態。

Second , the cns must adapt and adjust this rhythm so that the appropriate inhalation and exhalation of the lung is maintained for proper blood gas ( dissolved oxygen and carbon dioxide ) homeostasis 其次,中樞神經必須適應和調節這種節奏,以便讓肺的呼吸適應血液供氧(溶解氧氣和二氧化碳)的動態平衡。

More recently , the sos salt stress signaling pathway in arabidopsis thaliana was determined to have a pivotal regulatory function in salt tolerance , fundamental of which is the control factor of ion homeostasis 以擬南芥為材料,研究分析出了與植物抗鹽有重要關系的sos1 、 sos1 、 sos3三個基因。

Basic properties of the living body ; internal environment and homeostasis ; physiological function regulations ; positive feedback and negative feedback ; methods used for physiological studies 生命現象的基本生理特征;機體的內環境和穩態;生理功能的調節和正、負反饋控制;生理學的研究方法。

As one of the most important regulatory systems maintaining the homeostasis of body , hpa axis plays an important role in many physiological functions Hpa軸是維持機體穩態的重要調控系統,參與多項生理功能。腎上腺是hpa軸中重要的一環,與血糖的變化關系密切。

The recycling of these intracellular constituents also serves as an alternative energy source during periods of metabolic stress to maintain homeostasis and viability 這些細胞內成分在為保存內環境穩態和生存能力的代謝性應激過程中也作為選擇性的能量來源。

Copper is a trace element for all living organisms because this metal serves as a cofactor for activating numerous enzymes critical for homeostasis 前言重金屬是人體所必需的微量元素,需要維持嚴格的恒常性,其中銅是體內很多酶的輔因子,能激活各種酶。