
holy adj.1.神圣的;神的;供神用的;獻身于神的。2.圣潔...

holy alliance

In the name of the father , the son and the holy spirit . . 以圣父圣子圣靈的名義

A complete record of his search for the holy grail 一本關于他尋找圣杯的詳盡記錄

At the last minute with crosses and holy water 用十字架和圣水在最后時刻拯救世界

In the name of the father , the son and the holy spirit 以圣父、圣子、圣靈的名義

Nothing that matters . - holy cow . let me see that -不過無所謂-天啊,讓我看看

Mary ! holy martha stewart ' s prison collection 瑪麗!圣瑪莎?史都華的監獄收藏品

Observe the sabbath , because it is holy to you 14所以你們要守安息日,以為圣日。

“ send her help from the holy place , lord . “主啊,從那神圣的地方給她以幫助吧”

For you are a people holy to the lord your god 6因為你歸耶和華你神為圣潔的民。

Greet all the brothers with a holy kiss 26 [和合]與眾弟兄親52嘴問安,務要圣潔。

By the holy spirit of god , everything is possible 世上最強壯的人,知道是誰嗎?

I believe in god , jesus christ and the holy ghost 我相信上帝、耶穌基督和圣靈。

Romeo : have not saints lips , and holy palmers too 羅密歐圣人和信徒沒有嘴唇嗎?

Each divinity school student was “a newborn bard of the holy ghost“, whom emerson exhorted to “cast behind you all conformity, and acquaint men at first hand with deity“ . 神學院的學生們是“神靈新生的詩人”,愛默生鼓勵他們“摒棄一切俗尚,直接和神靈交往”。

The window went up, a maid-servant's discordant voice profaned the holy calm, and a deluge of water drenched the prone martyr's remains ! 窗戶打開了,有一個女傭的嘈雜聲音玷污了那圣潔的寂靜的氣氛,隨即就是一股洪水,把這位躺著的殉情者的遺體澆得透濕。

Every hillside, every valley, every clearing, and woods, is holy in the memory and experience of my people . 在我的人民的記憶與經歷中,這里的每一面山坡,每一道峽谷,每一片森林,每一塊林間空地,都是神圣的。

“make not a sign. i do beseech you,“ said the voice, “but of your charity tell me the straight way to holy wood. “ “請你千萬別露聲色,”那聲音說,“我只能求你慷慨地告訴我到圣林修道院的去路就行了。”

Something produces intensity, a holy feeling, as oranges produce orange, as grass green, as birds heat . 這種東西能產生一股強大的力量,一種神圣的感情,就象桔樹能產生桔子,青草產生綠色,小鳥產生性欲。

Certainly, the contemplation of death, as the wages of sinner, and passage to another world, is holy and religious . 當然,靜觀死亡,以之為罪孽的工資,通往另一世界的去路者,是虔誠而且合乎宗教的。