holt n.〔詩〕雜木林;林丘。
n. 〔詩〕雜木林;林丘。 n. 獸穴〔尤指水獺的巢穴〕。 n. 霍爾特〔姓氏〕。 “anne holt“ 中文翻譯: 安妮霍爾特“ashdod holt“ 中文翻譯: 阿什杜德沙丘“bob holt“ 中文翻譯: 鮑伯・霍爾特“david holt“ 中文翻譯: 朱霍爾特“felix holt“ 中文翻譯: 菲利克斯“fish-holt“ 中文翻譯: 魚尾螺栓,夾緊螺栓,接合用壓緊螺栓“gary holt“ 中文翻譯: 加里霍爾特“grant holt“ 中文翻譯: 格蘭特霍爾特“harold holt“ 中文翻譯: 哈羅德・霍爾特“holt ashdod“ 中文翻譯: 阿什杜德沙丘“holt heath“ 中文翻譯: 霍爾特希思“holt nur“ 中文翻譯: 浩勒圖諾爾“holt orphanage“ 中文翻譯: 霍爾特“孤兒院; 霍爾特孤兒院“holt patak“ 中文翻譯: 霍爾特河“holt sum“ 中文翻譯: 好爾圖廟; 浩勒圖蘇木“holt-oram“ 中文翻譯: 霍爾特-奧拉姆:家族性心臟和上肢異常癥候群“hopcrofts holt“ 中文翻譯: 霍普克羅夫茨霍爾特“john holt“ 中文翻譯: 約翰霍爾特公司“michael holt“ 中文翻譯: 邁克爾霍爾特“peter holt“ 中文翻譯: 霍爾特“sandrine holt“ 中文翻譯: 何家蓓“scott holt“ 中文翻譯: 斯科特霍爾特“sheryl holt“ 中文翻譯: 霍爾特“brian van holt“ 中文翻譯: 布萊恩・范・霍爾特; 布萊恩・馮・霍特“holszky“ 中文翻譯: 霍爾斯基“holt county, nebraska“ 中文翻譯: 霍特 (布拉斯加州)
holtham |
In his sales pitch , holt said the winner would be entitled to a four - week training course in how to be him - including lessons on how to surf , climb , skateboard , fire twirl and do handstands - as well as two months of on - call support afterward 霍爾特在拍賣廣告中說,他將向買家提供四周的“如何成為霍爾特”的培訓課程,其中包括沖浪爬山踩滑板玩火球手倒立等技能課程,此外,還另加兩個月的“隨叫隨到后續服務“ 。 |
Rather than give an overarching theory of how children learn , john holt , the father of the modern home school movement , uses anecdotal observations that question assumptions about how children acquire knowledge and learning skills 關于兒童的學習規律,現代家校運動之父約翰?霍爾特并非通過提出某種深刻而又全面的理論,而是通過引子式的觀察和思考,對各種有關兒童是如何獲取知識和學習技能的學說提出質疑。 |
The half - holt is an almost simultaneous , coordinated action of the seat , the legs and the hand of the rider , with the object of increasing the attention and balance of the horse before the execution of several movements or transitions to lower and higher paces 半減卻是騎手的手、腳和騎坐幾乎同時實施的協同動作,目的是在做某些動作或移行到另一種更高或更低的步伐之前,加強馬匹的注意力和平衡。 |
“ the mentality of ' just roll out the ball and supervise recess ' still haunt efforts to enhance or even keep pe requirements at constant levels , “ says shirley holt - hale , an elementary pe teacher from oak ridge , tennessee “那種‘只是踢踢球和管管課間休息’的想法仍然在困擾為提高甚或僅在一定水平上保持體育標準所作的努力, ”來自田納西橡樹嶺的小學體育教師雪利.霍爾特-黑爾說。 |
Nicael holt sold his name , phone number and all his possessions , including clothes , cds , a surfboard , a laptop , a wonky pushbike , childhood photos , friends , and a “ nice lamp “ given to him by an ex - girlfriend , on the internet auction site 上拍賣,其中包括衣服cd唱片一個沖浪板一臺筆記本電腦一架搖搖晃晃的腳踏車童年的照片朋友和他前女友送給他的一個“不錯的臺燈”等。 |
In his groundbreaking book , john holt , draws upon his observations of children both in school and at play to identify ways in which our traditional educational system predestines our young people for failure 約翰?霍爾特的這本書極富創造性,他根據自己對孩子在上學過程和玩耍過程中的觀察比較,指出了傳統教育制度的弊端,認為這種制度會從根本上導致孩子產生厭學行為。 |
Holt said the winner would be entitled to a four - week training course in how to be him - including lessons on how to surf , climb , skateboard , fire twirl and do handstands - as well as two months of 霍爾特在拍賣廣告中說,他將向買家提供四周的“如何成為霍爾特”的培訓課程,其中包括沖浪爬山踩滑板玩火球手倒立等技能課程,此外,還另加兩個月的“隨叫隨到后續服務“ 。 |
Holt , with his trust children philosophy , believes , perhaps naively , that they have a strong sense of what is right and have an innate self correcting mechanism that will help them to ( eventually ) solve a problem 奉行“信任孩子”哲學的霍爾特認為,或許是天真地以為,孩子都有強烈的是非感,他們具有一種天生的錯誤糾正機制,使他們(最終)學會如何解決問題的能力。 |
This destructive process to holt shatters their self esteem and extinguishes their confidence in their ability to learn for themselves and , at worst , turn them away from learning forever 對霍爾特來說,這種過程是破壞性的,它會碾碎孩子的自尊,扼殺孩子的自信心,以為自己沒有能力自學,而最糟糕的是,這樣會讓孩子逐漸遠離“學習一輩子”的思想認識。 |
Holt ' s examination of our present educational system is a critical and insightful study , one which forces us to look more closely at the lessons that we are unwittingly imparting to our young ones 霍爾特對現今教育制度的考察和研究是富有洞察力的,也是充滿批評傾向的,他的研究成果迫使我們進一步反省我們現行的、很不明智地強加給孩子的教學內容。 |
Holt , a philosophy student from the southern coastal city of wollongong who has set up a website to explain his actions and ask for donations to charity , said he was unable to explain why he sold his life 霍爾特是澳大利亞南部沿海城市伍倫貢市的一名哲學專業的學生,他專門建了一個網站來解釋自己的這一行為,并在上面呼吁大家為慈善機構捐款。 |
Holt - hale tells an instructive tale , one she keeps on file to remind her colleagues that people may or may not remember good pe classes , but they never forget the bad ones 霍爾特-黑爾常講一個富有啟發性的故事,一個她保存在文檔里的故事以告誡她的同事們:人們也許會或也許不會記住那些成功的體育課,但卻永遠不會忘記那些失敗的體育課。 |
Layin on o hands is my best holt - for cancer and paralysis , and sich things ; and i k n tell a fortune pretty good when i ve got somebody along to find out the facts for me 我的拿手好戲是按手專治癌癥,半身不遂,諸如此類。我算個命還挺準的,只要有人替我把事情打聽個明白。傳道也是我的一行,還有野營會啊,巡回布道啊,等等的。 |
The card depicts a matisse - like rendering of the white house red room by the texas artist cindi holt , and inside bears the second verse of psalm xcv let us come before him with thanksgiving and extol him with music and song 卡片內頁上印著圣經詩篇第95篇的第二節: “我們要來感謝他,用音樂和詩歌贊美他。 ” |
First and foremost , holt believes that children are born learners and that there is a curiosity in all children that begins at birth , not when they are put in school 首先,霍爾特認為,學習是孩子與生俱來的本領,而且所有的孩子從出生的那一刻開始就已經具有好奇心,而不用等到被送進學校才有好奇心。 |
( twitchell , james . “ two cheers for materialism . “ in the consumer society reader . edited by juliet schor and douglas holt . new york : new press , 2000 , pp . 281 - 290 詹姆斯?特切爾, 《再次為唯物主義歡呼》 ,載于消費社會。朱麗葉?肖爾與道格拉斯?霍爾特編輯。紐約:新出版公司, 2000年版, 281 290頁。 |
11 bajaj c l , pascucci v , shamir a , holt r j , netravali a n . dynamic maintenance and visualization of molecular surfaces . discrete applied mathematics , 2003 , 127 : 23 - 51 一旦定義了connolly表面,它可以用來計算蛋白質的體積和密度,靜點勢能,蛋白質與蛋白質相交表面以及蛋白質與配體之間相交表面。 |
The deferred settlement date of 9 december 2005 was agreed to accommodate a condition requiring the purchaser of ms holt ' s property to obtain overseas investment commission approval 交割日訂為2005年12月9日,因為購買赫爾特房產的買方,需要取得海外投資委員會的批準。 |
Holt is full of ire against teachers and educational institutions , whom he believes actually serve as a hindrance to acquiring knowledge and learning skills 霍爾特對教師和教育機構深惡痛絕,認為這些人和機構實際上是給孩子獲取知識、掌握本領設置重重障礙。 |