
holocene adj.【地質學;地理學】全新統的,全新世的。n.【地質...


The holocene was a period that had a close relation with mankind , so it could be very important to bring to light the laws of holocene climatic variations for understanding nowadays geographic environment and its trend of development 全新世是人類文明迅速發展進步的時期,揭示全新世氣候的變化規律對于認識現階段地理環境及其發展趨勢具有重要意義。

Holocene environment changes and human existence and development are closely linked together . studying on holocene environment changes and forecasting its trend in the future has great practical value and significance in theory 全新世環境變遷與人類的生存和發展息息相關,研究全新世環境變遷與預測未來發展趨勢,具有重大的實踐價值和理論意義。

The research during the prehistoric period is a base and difficult palynology which provides numerous evidences plays an important role and makes great contributions to the research on holocene environment changes 其中全新世以來史前時期是全新世環境變化研究的基礎和難點。孢粉學在全球環境演變研究中提供了大量證據,發揮了重大作用,成果顯著。

The holocene stratum of quzhou district is quite different from other areas of hebei plain in terms of the buried depth , thickness , depletion rate , color , grain size , structure and pollen assemblages 摘要河北平原南部曲周地區的全新世地層,在埋藏深度、地層厚度、堆積速率和顏色、粒度結構、孢粉含量與種屬等方面,與河北平原其他地區不同。

The holocene loess - soil sequence in the loess plateau constitutes an excellent record of evolution of soil formation , monsoonal climate , aeolian dust accumulation and influences of arable farming of over 8000 years 長期農牧業的發展,使得天然植被在大多數地方已蕩然無存,大片的林地被開墾為農田或被開辟為城市用地。

This paper is based on the project of the establishment of the national geopark of keshiketeng . and the author mainly studies the holocene environment , doing the experiments of the grain - size analysis myself 論文是在該地區成立國家地質公園項目基礎上完成的,筆者承擔了全新世環境的研究,親自進行了粒度分析實驗。

The final epoch of the quaternary period , spanning the time from the end of the pleistocene , 10 , 000 years ago to the present is the holocene epoch , also called the anthropogene , the age of humans 四個一組的期間的最后的世紀,跨過時間從更新世的結尾, 10 , 000年前對禮物是全新世紀的世紀,并且稱anthropogene ,人的年。

During the banpo man time or in the middle holocene , 5000 ~ 6000 bp , the climate within the modern glaciation best fitted vegetation and the intrusion of some sub - tropic trees was postulated to have taken place 古土壤代表間冰期夏季風盛行的濕熱氣候,植被比較繁盛;黃土代表冰期冬季風盛行的干冷氣候,植被凋凌。

The holocene events , therefore , appear to be the most recent manifestation of a pervasive millennial - scale climate cycle operating independently of the glacial - interglacial climate state 所以,全新世事件似乎是(距今)最近的千年氣候周期的杰作。這種常見周期(刪- -的運行)是獨立于冰期-間冰期交替氣候的

As the climate has become dry , and dust storms and dust - fall occurred frequently in whole weihe valley , the recent loess ( l0 ) has beg un to accumulate and gradually covered the mid - holocene soil ( s0 ) 在3100abp ,由于季風格局的突變,整個渭河流域進入了一個相對干旱缺雨、成壤環境的惡化時期。

Holocene ( recent ) the present epoch in the geological time scale , being the second epoch of the quaternary period , dating from the end of the last glaciation , about 10000 years ago , to the present day 全新世:在地質學上指第四紀的第二階段的整個時期,它終止于最后一個冰川期,距今大約10000年。

Thirdly , by comparing with holocene strata of the coastal plain of shandong peninsula , sedimentary strata of this area are divided into four layers , and sedimentary environments are comfirmed 再次,通過與山東半島濱海平原全新統地層進行對比,對本沉積區地層進行劃分并確定各層沉積環境。

The profile includes two major cold peaks at 4 . 580 - 5 . 275 abp and 6 . 120 - 6 . 375 abp . the centennial - scale climate instability is obvious , which exists even in holocene optimum 隨著氣候的逐漸好轉,喬木花粉在孢粉帶3 . 0904 . 580 abp上重新出現,但喜暖樹種較少。

The author selects the holocene environmental change in the eastern guanzhong basin and its influence on human culture as the topic of the thesis 基于這方面的考慮,我們選擇了關中盆地東部全新世環境演變及其對人類文化的影響作為本次研究的主要內容。

The second terrace turned into a complex terrace because of the slackwater sediments caused by the yellow river ' s flood in late holocene 距今4000年左右的史前洪水階地上加積了一層平流沉積物,形成復合型階地,其下部為基座階地,上部為上疊階地。

It is thought that the holocene original sediments were the result of the aeolation in the area , but the stream action influence the formation of deuterogenic loess 認為本地區全新世原始沉積物是風成的,但流水作用影響了次生黃土的形成。

Therefore , the area is typical to study the environmental change of china , even of the globe since quaternary period , especially since the holocene epoch 所以該地區是研究第四紀以來,特別是全新世以來中國及全球環境變化的典型地區。

Study on the relationship between the pedogenetic environment changes and human impact in the holocene soil of the loess plateau in the upper reaches of jinghe 涇河上游黃土高原全新世成壤環境演變與人類活動影響

So , it provides many new ponderations and enlightenments in understanding holocene stratum and basement tectonics of the hebei plain 因此,它對全面認識河北平原的全新世地層和新構造運動形跡會有許多新的啟示。