
holocaust n.1.(焚燒全獸祭神的)燔祭。2.大屠殺。3.大破裂,...


The oxfam appeal follows a joint - venture by the united states holocaust museum in washing dc and the online mapping service , google earth , to halt what they see as genocide 樂施會呼吁大眾跟隨一家由美國華盛頓大屠殺博物管和在線地圖服務公司的合資公司來停止這場屠殺。

The urgent need for nuclear nonprolifeation is undeniable . moreover , failure to halt the spread of weapons of mass destruction increases the chance for nuclear holocaust 防止核擴散的緊迫性是不可否認的。此外,制止大規模殺傷性武器擴散的失敗增加了核毀滅的可能性。

Iran ' s president escalates his anti - israeli rhetoric , calling the holocaust a myth used by europeans to create a jewish state in the heart of the islamic world 伊朗總統進一步增強其反以言論,宣稱大屠殺事件是歐洲人為了在伊斯蘭國家中建立一個猶太國家而捏造出來的。

He says he ' s been obsessed with the holocaust since he was little and considers himself “ a little bit “ jewish , although he isn ' t , not technically 他說他從小就對二戰時期納粹屠殺猶太人那段歷史非常感興趣,他覺得自己“有那么一點“猶太人,盡管從血統上來說他不是。

A secular jew born in the ukraine , wiesenthal survived the holocaust but lost 89 members of his own and his wife ' s family in the concentration camps 一個在烏克蘭出生的世俗的猶太人,維森塔爾經歷大屠殺之后幸存,但是在集中營失去了他自己和妻子家庭的89名成員。

While improved technology in recent years has made the task of tracking holocaust survivors easier , fewer and fewer survivors remain as each year passes 雖然近幾年發展起來的先進技術使尋找大屠殺幸存者變得越來越容易,但隨著時光流逝,活著的幸存者也越來越少。

Although unable to change the immediate course of events , those who rescued and hid jews during the holocaust are regarded as honorable in a time of shame 盡管不能立即改變事件的進程,在那個可恥的時代,那些在大屠殺中營救和藏匿猶太人的人被認為是可敬的。

Jerusalem - hilda shlick , 75 , thought she lost nearly all her family in the holocaust until her internet - savvy grandsons located her 81 - year - old brother in canada 史利克以為所有家人都在大屠殺中死了直到懂互聯網的孫子們找到了她現居加拿大的81歲的哥哥。

My wife made one just like that . but then the nazis came and they took her and i guess she died , maybe in the holocaust . but i guess they took everything we had 后來納粹黨來到,把她捉了,我想她已經死了,也許死在大屠殺中,我想他們已拿走我們的一切。

These are the ones whose revolutions did not come off ; they have been able to keep on cheerfully plotting their holocausts right into their senescence 這部分人其實是那些革命并未成功的人,他們可以繼續興高采烈地策劃大屠殺,直至老態龍鐘。

Ostensibly , this expensive hub of america ' s network of sub - terran bases was designed to preserve our form of government during a nuclear holocaust 表面上,這個昂貴的美國地下地球人基地網絡中心被設計來在核戰大毀滅期間保護我們的政府體制。

Wherefore , let us examine who caused this “ terrible holocaust “ in the area from the yellow river south to the yangtse river and north to the sungari river 查黃河以南直至長江,黃河以北直至松花江,誰在這里造成這個“慘絕人寰的浩劫”呢?

German officials say the european union will address claims by iran ' s president that ( if ) the holocaust is a myth at this week ' s eu summit 我真是有點不理解這句話了,到底歐盟是要說這個屠殺是個神話還是要表明,這個屠殺是否是個神話?

The film details how the students met holocaust survivors from around the world and how the experience transformed them and their community 影片細述了些學生們如何會見來自全世界的大屠殺幸存者和這段經驗如何改變他們和他們的社區。

For while the threat of nuclear holocaust has been significantly reduced , the world remains a very unsettled and dangerous place 用商業術語來說,經濟是股份完全為環境所有的子公司。所有的經濟活動都依賴環境及其提供的基本資源。

When one of the holocaust survivors talked about his life in the nazist concentration camp , there was not a dry eye amongst the audience 當一位戰時反猶太人政策的生還者談及他在納粹集中營的生活時,在聽眾之中沒有一人不流下眼淚

The massacre was also a systematic attempt at annihilation , chang argues , adding that the massacre should be likened to the holocaust 張論爭道,大屠殺同樣是一次蓄意滅絕人種的嘗試,張還說它可以與納粹屠殺猶太人事件相提并論。

Whitwell middle school in rural tennessee is the setting for this documentary about an extraordinary experiment in holocaust education 在鄉村風味的田納西惠特韋爾中學,為這部記錄片展開了一次關于大屠殺教育方面的特別實驗。

Many years before tragedy struck the campus of virginia tech , professor librescu had faced the horrors of the holocaust ? and survived 在維吉尼亞理工學院悲劇發生的數年前,李布瑞斯庫教授便歷經猶太人大屠殺的浩劫而幸存。