holism n.【哲學】整體論。
n. 【哲學】整體論。 “holism concept“ 中文翻譯: 整體觀念“holism of body and spirit“ 中文翻譯: 形神一體觀“holism of five ogans“ 中文翻譯: 五臟一體觀“holism of five organs“ 中文翻譯: 五臟一體觀“holism of human beings and universe“ 中文翻譯: 天人一體觀“holischeck“ 中文翻譯: 霍利舍克“holis“ 中文翻譯: 霍利什“holinsky“ 中文翻譯: 霍林斯基“holinshed“ 中文翻譯: 霍林斯赫德“holinova“ 中文翻譯: 霍林諾娃
holist |
The basic toot that causes disparity is : methodology of new institutional economics is institutional constructionlism and institutional individualism , max ' s is the combination of institutional individualism and institutional holism , the combination of institutional constructionlism and institutional evolutionism 這些分歧的根源是方法論:新制度經濟學的方法論是制度個體主義和建構理性主義,馬克思的制度經濟學的方法論是制度整體主義與制度個體主義的統一、演進理性主義與建構理性主義的統一。 |
It particularly emphasizes the application of methodology holism , and also draws benefits from the paradigms of postmodern international relations theories including constructivism and de - constructivism . different from the analyses of national image traditionally , this essay does not think the state image means the objective material characteristics of a country , but is the product of interacting practice among countries , is a prospect reappearance of a country ’ s objective condition in other culture - linguistic environment . what it describes is the question “ who he is “ in international relations , through determined the 與傳統上的國家形象分析不同,本文認為國家形象并非指涉國家的客觀物質特征,而是國家間交往互動的實踐產物,是一國的客觀狀況在外部他者文化語境中的圖景再現,它所描述的是國際關系中“他是誰”的問題,通過確定“他是誰” ,也就相應的確定了“我是誰” ,即自我的身份和利益,其實質反映了國際關系中自我與他者之間的相互身份認同關系。 |
The dissertation is based on new method , we will use system ' s viewing field and thinking of holism , and we will attach importance to the economy and politic is united in wedlock , region and entirety is united in wedlock , internal and international is united in wedlock . we believe that the thesis can render some good advice to the practice of international regional economic cooperation , and thesis is also can provide some help to the development of ipe . the dissertation with five sections analyzes the problem , we will set up a theoretical frame , the frame is based on the other correlation theory 本文正是基于這樣一種考慮,以新地區主義的整合思路為基礎,采用系統的眼光與整體主義的方法,從國內與國際相結合、經濟與政治相結合、區域與整體相結合的角度建構了國際區域經濟合作的新ipe理論分析框架,從而對國際區域經濟合作進行全面的審視,期望以此對國際區域經濟合作在實踐上的發展提供一定的啟示,并且能夠為ipe自身的發展做出一點貢獻。 |
This paper discusses its four philosophical paradoxes : the ontological paradox of “ wild - nature “ view , the inner axiological paradox of nature , the methodological paradox of “ reverence for life “ and the epistemological paradox of holism 在這些詰難與指責的背后,隱藏著的是它與生俱來的四大哲學困境,即: “荒野”自然觀的本體論困境、自然的“內在價值論”困境、 “敬畏生命”的方法論困境以及“整體主義”的認識論困境。 |
Drawing some views from the philosophy conceived in yi jing , this paper discusses the contingency management theory from the visions of change , holism and process 權變管理理論對組織的決策、計劃、領導等方面的作用越來越受到人們的重視,本文將結合《易經》哲學的一些觀點從變化觀、系統觀、過程觀等方面對權變管理理論進行探討。 |
In the third section of this thesis , we will use system ' s viewing field and thinking of holism to set up a new ipe theoretical frame of international regional economic cooperation 第三部分主要是在新地區主義整合思路的指導下,采用系統的眼光和整體主義的方法來建構國際區域經濟合作的新ipe理論分析框架。 |
A broad movement characterized by alternative approaches to traditional western culture , with an interest in spirituality , mysticism , holism , and environmentalism 一場廣泛的以另類方式實踐傳統西方文化的運動,它對靈性神秘主義整體論和環境保護主義懷有濃厚興趣。 |
Compared with the western medicine , tcm ' s characteristic lies primarily in its holism and treatment based on syndrome differentiation 它認為,人體與外界環境是一個統一的有機的整體,而人體本身又是這一巨大體系的縮影,也是一個統一的有機整體。 |
Holism in somehow narrow sense means that patient is seen as a living entity / system whose components are all interconnected and interdependent 狹義的整體觀念,把患者看成一個生命的整體/系統。它的各個部分是相互聯系和相互依存的。 |
The tendency of eclecticism in liang shuming ' s thought is also relation to his opinion of absolute holism culture and subjective culture 梁漱溟思想中的折中主義傾向也與他的絕對整體主義文化觀和主觀文化論有關。 |
This view of holism is important in practice when the present ecological crisis faces increasingly the human being 當環境破壞作為文明危機日益展現在人類面前時,柏拉圖的這一整體論見解尤其顯得具有實踐意義。 |
Quine ' s holism ; davidson ' s theory of meaning ; dummett ' s anti - realism ; putnam ' s realism 主要內容:蒯因的整體論;戴維森的意義理論;達米特的反實在論;普特南的實在論。 |
Romantic holism and its influence upon russian aesthetic thought in the first half of the 19th century 浪漫主義的整體主義思想及其對19世紀上半葉俄羅斯美學思想的影響 |
Application of landscape ecology principle of holism to landscape planning and design 整體論的景觀生態學原則在景觀規劃設計中的應用 |
Exploration of complexity combining reductionism with holism . zhao guangwu 還原論與整體論相結合探索復雜性趙光武 |
Concept of holism in the treatment of chronic renal failure with chinese medicine 慢性腎衰中醫治療整體觀初探 |
Anthropological perspective of holism 試論整體論的人類學研究思路 |
Experience , logic and holism - a context of realism and anti - realism 一種實在論和反實在論的語境 |