
hole n.1.洞,穴,孔;(衣服等上的)破洞;傷口;漏洞;窩,...

hole card

Work the stick into the hole . 把棍子慢慢插進洞里。

Propeller fans exhaust air through holes in the wall . 螺旋式通風機從壁孔中排出空氣。

Joe teed the ball up for the final hole . 喬把高爾夫球放在球座上準備打向最后的球穴。

A lighted cigarette burned a hole in his clothes . 點著的香煙在他衣服上燒了一個洞。

The enemy was holed up in a few isolated strongholds . 敵人龜縮在幾個孤立的據點里。

His inheritance was burning a hole in his pocket . 他所繼承的遺產正促使他濫用金錢。

They'll like you more if you climb out of the hole . 一旦你能出頭,他們會更加愛你。

A rat can gnaw a hole through wood . 老鼠能啃穿木頭。

There is a very small hole in the testa of a seed . 種子的種皮上有一個非常小的洞。

Make a hole to let the water escape . 弄個洞讓水排出。

The scheme was pigeon holed after a brief discussion . 那計劃草議后就擱置一邊了。

I'm stuck, i'm in a hole . 我可是山窮水盡,走投無路了。

There is air in every crack and hole on this earth . 地球上每個縫隙洞孔都有空氣。

Any one of blows might smash a hole in the ship . 每次沖擊都可能把艦船捅個窟窿。

One ant hole may cause the collapse of a thousand-li dyke . 千里之堤,潰于蟻穴。

I know as well as you that we are in a hole . 我跟你一樣,也明白我們陷入了絕境。

He clawed a hole in my shirt in his temper .. 他一氣之下把我的襯衫撕了一個口子。

There is a hole in your argument . 你的辯論中有一個漏洞。

The ship was holed by an iceberg . 冰山把那船撞出了窟窿。