
holder n.1.持(票)人;(土地、權利等的)所有人,貨主。2....


Medical instruments ; needle holder finochietto ' s 醫療器械finochietto的持針器

So far we have heard about option holders 到目前為止,我們已經了解了期權擁有者。

I am 22 years of age and a college diploma holder 我今年22歲,擁有大專學歷。

List of visa - free countries for hksar passport holders 香港特區護照免簽證國家名單

Holder , medium tea tray , and medium serving pot 中茶承組含中茶承、中茶盤、中茶海

Notify me of updates to holder for z - 3071 series Z - 3071系列的掃描器座更新時通知我

Finite element analysis of pile holder reconstruction of 樁架改造方案的有限元分析

Protection of the interests of credit card holders 保障信用卡持卡人的權益事宜

Wrench for holder for cylindric shank broach . dimensions 圓柱柄拉刀夾頭用扳手.尺寸

Insurant can be same person with policy - holder 被保險人可以與投保人為同一人。

Pass - holders can enjoy unlimited admission to the following museums 持票者可于

2 . 5 per single journey for senior citizen card holder 持有長者咭人士單程收費2 . 5

Net profit attributable to equity holders of the parent 母公司權益持有人應占溢利

Arc welding equipment - part 11 : electrode holders 弧焊設備.第11部分:電極握桿

The parts and units of jigs and fixtures . boring holder 機床夾具零件及部件.鏜套

E - park card holders may make refund applications at the 持有易泊卡的市民可親臨各

Sources : images property of respective holders 來源:各自的持有者的圖象性質。

The rule of type designation for crystal holders enclosures 晶體盒型號命名方法

Insulators for carbon brush - holders for electric traction 電力牽引用碳刷握絕緣子