
hofman n.霍夫曼〔姓氏〕。


“ we believe ( the government ) should . . . shift spending from more investment - oriented to consumption - oriented , “ bert hofman , the world bank ' s chief economist for china , told a briefing in beijing “我們認為(中國政府)開支應該. . .由傾向投資轉到傾向消費. “世行中國問題首席經濟學家berthofman ,在北京的一個吹風會上談到以上的一番話

After deducting all costs messrs hofman and kuijs reckon that profit margins have risen from less than 3 % in 1999 to almost 6 % in 2005 而在扣除了所有成本后,郝、高兩位都認為利潤率僅由1999年的不足3 %增加到了2005年的近6 % 。

Karen hofman is head of international science policy at the center , part of the national institutes of health 但是大多數國家,調查顯示在治療和預防艾滋病方面取得了相當的進展。

This reaction , called the hofman elimination , is quite analogous to the dehydrohalogenation of an alkyl halide 這個反應稱為hofman消除反應,它很像鹵代烷的脫鹵化氫反應。